Jessica D

  • Prenatal Growth

    ~ This is the approxomit date of my conception
  • Period: to

    Prenatal Development and Birth

  • Prenatal Growth

    ~ I would have reached the "age of viability" around this date
  • Day of my Birth

    ~ I was born during a natural birth at Providence Hospital in Southfield
  • Period: to

    First Two Years

  • Biosocial

    ~I was able to sit by myself at 6 months of age
  • Cognitive

    ~ At ten months old I was saying my first recongizable words
  • Biosocial

    ~By my first birthday, 12 months of age, I was able to walk unassistated
  • Psychosocial

    ~ Between 12 and 14 months of age every time I was left with a sitter I would cry, even if it was a family member except my grandmother.
  • Cognitive

    ~ By 18 months of age I was speaking in 1-2 word sentences
  • Psychosocial

    ~ My mother started toilet training with me at 20 months of age
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood

  • Biosocial

    I started showing signs of writing with my right hand, even though my mother and uncle are both left handed
  • Psychosocial

    My mother used the "authoritarian" parenting style to parent my sister and I
  • Biosocial

    I was sitting on the top of the back of a rocking chair when I went to get down I stepped on the seat and the back of the chair hit me in the back of the head causing me to bite my tounge. I ended up needing to get 15 stitches to re attach my tounge, after the injurt healed I never had an issues.
  • Cognitive

    I started preschool in September of 1983
  • Psychosocial

    My favorite type of "sociodramatic play" was to play with my cousin and our baby dolls
  • Cognitive

    I started kindergarten in September of 1984, I remember crying when I had to ride the bus to school the fisr time.
  • Period: to

    Middle Childhood

  • Biosocial

    During my middle childhood years I was very clumsy, because of this my Mother put me into dance classes hoping it would help. I started dance classes when I was 8 years old.
  • Cognitive

    Between the ages of 9 and 11 my memory became more adaptive and stragetic.
  • Psychosocial

    In the fall of 1988 I was 9 and my sister started kindergarten, jit mwas my job to make sure that she gon the bus at the school and got off at the correct bus stop and made the walk to our house.
  • Psychosocial

    For my tenth birthday I received a kitten from my grandparents, it was an all gray boy kitten that I named Spike. It was my responsibility to feed him and give him eater everyday.
  • Period: to


  • Biosocial

    At this time I would be turing 12 and starting to enter into puberty. During this time I would have displayed sudden outbursts of anger, sadness, and lust. These emotions would have been caused by hormones and rections from other hormonal teenagers.
  • Psychosocial

    Starting when I turned thirteen I began to bicker on a daily basis with my Mother, this lasted until I moved out at 16. the more we bickered the tougher her rules became.
  • Biosocial

    During my teenage years starting when I was fourteen I had a horrible diet of fastfood, junk food and pop. This diet led me to become anemic and becuase of this I had to go on iron supplemnts for the next few years.
  • Cognitive

    Starting when I was fifteen I started to develop adolescent egocentrism; when my mother told me that I was acting selfish i actually was.
  • Cognitive

    Starting when I turned sixteen I started to suffer from the Imaginary Audience, I always thought this was just because i was a teenage girl. At this time I hated to eat out in resturants, i was convinced that everyone was staring at me and watching me eat.
  • Psychosocial

    I was sixteen when I met my first boyfirend in the fall when I started at t new school, we dated the rest of highschool. We currently have been married for over eleven years!
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood

  • Biosocial

    At eighteen after graduating highschool I moved in with my boyfirendn who I had been dating for three years.
  • Psychosocial

    Starting when I moved out at eighteen untill I found out I was pregnant at twenty-four I spent every waking minute that i was not working with friends. We would go shopping, out to bars, and on vacations. This activities affected my relationship with my boyfriend and my grades in school.
  • Psychosocial

    Starting in September when I was eighteen until we married when I was twenty-one my current husband and I co-habitated.
  • Cognitive

    i was eighteen when I moved out and no one told me how to or why to save money. I activly engaged in Delay Discounting; if I saw something I wanted I would buy it wven if we had bills that needed to pay.
  • Cognitive

    when I was ninteen I started community college, using grant money and paying for any extras that I needed. I finished school when I was twenty-two with an associates in early childhood.
  • Biosocial

    At the age of twenty one I married my boyfirend of five years.
  • Biosocial

    At the age of twenty-four I found out I was pregnant, this was not a planned pregnancy.
  • Period: to


  • Biosocial

    At the age of twenty-five I had my son, Brendan.
  • Cognitive

    After having my son at twenty-five over the next fourty years I will bcome and expert in dealing with the challenges of having a family.
  • Biosocial

    After turing thirty I started to notice that I was sufferinf from Senescience, which really depressed me as I mentally did not feel that old.
  • Cognitive

    At thirty years old I decided to go back to school to get a special education teaching degree. I started at Schoolcraft with an education agreement with Eastern Michigan University. I find it wasier to apply myself to my school work this time around then when I went to school in my twenties. I also am getting much better grades, I have a 3.8 GPA this time around.
  • Cognitive

    I plan to return back to school when I am forty and my son is in highschool to get a degree in child psychology.
  • Psychosocial

    When I am fourty-three my son will be leaving home and going off to college, my husband and I will be dealing with an Empty Nest.
  • Psychosocia

    By my fiftyith birthday I will be done with my psychology degree and working as a school psychologist in the special education field. I will work in this area the remainder of my working years untill I retire.
  • Biosocial

    At this date in time I will be fifty-two and either entering into or getting ready to start menopause.
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

  • Psychosocial

    I would like to retire at the end of the school year after I turn sixty-five, this will give my husband and I plenty of time to travel before the symptoms of old age keep us close to home.
  • Biosocial

    I believe that I will suffer from Cardiovazcular disease around age 70, both my grandmother and grandfather on my fathers side had this disease. My grandmother's death is attributed to his heart disease.
  • Psychosocial

    At seventy-five I will still be living with my husband either in our family home or in a smaller one. I hope to avoid being in an assisted living facility like my one grandmother had to do.
  • Cognitive

    My great-grandmother on my mother's side suffered from Parkinson's disease, now my grandmother has started having some hand tremors for the last 5 years. I feel that by that time I am seventy-five I too will be experiencing some symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
  • Cognitive

    Around age 80 I will probably start to see signs of dementia, if I haven't already. Not only did my two grandparents have heart disease they both suffered from dementia. My grandfather's dementia was profoundly worse than my grandmother's, he also developed his earlier than she did.
  • My Death

    I predict that I will die peacefully at home in my bed in my sleep. I say I will be between eigthy and eighty-five years old, this is the age range for the deaths of my grandparents.