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Back To The Timeline: Starring Nick Kirschner

  • Prenatal Development & Birth

    I was a full term baby born at 39 weeks gestation. 9 pounds even, 20.5 inches long at 8:45pm on February 03, 1987. My mother had no maternity complications and had regular doctor visits.
  • Biosocial

    I did not cry very much. I was a sleeper, always napping. My mother had me get all the immunizations that were required at the time.
  • Period: to


  • Cognitive

    My mother was concerned that I may have been deaf. Through my entire first year I made no attempts at speaking. At 13 months I began walking, but still was not talking. At 14 months my mother took me to a infant speech specialis. The specialist had determined that I was not deaf, but that because of my 4 older brothers were “talking for me.” Within a month following the specialist I was begining to speak.
  • The Play Years

    Ages 2-6
  • Biosocial

    My mother said I was easy to feed and was not a fussy eater.
  • Cognitive

    I was not a shy kid. My mother always said that I quickly made up for my slow start to speaking in the following years. I started preschool at this time.
  • Psychosocial

    I showed prosocial behavior toward all my brothers and classmates. I was not an aggressive child. My parents had expectations for my brothers and me. If we broke rules we were disciplined consistently. Their approach was an authoritative parenting style.
  • The School Years

    Ages 7 to 11
  • Biosocial

    Like my brothers, I was a very active kid. I played soccer, basketball, baseball (lefty) and even fit in track and field when I turned 10. Gym class was my favorite.
  • Cognitive

    In 1st grade I was part of a special reading group for kids in my class that were not quite up to reading level. The class lasted only about a month and then I was caught up with my regular class. During this stage, I became very organized. I was very obsessive about my binders and notebooks. This type of organization helped me develop memory aids that were very beneficial in school.
  • Psychosocial

    I was really great friends with my older brothers and a good group of boys from my class/neighborhood. My brothers would take us to concerts at this age and I started my first band with my friends at this age, borrowing instruments from older brothers.
  • Adolescence

    Ages 12-17: Adolescence was a really fun time for me. I was definitely awkward and weird, but I found a lot of weird and awkward friends to make the best out of it. I started high school, scored a couple girlfriends, played sports, and played lots of music.
  • Biosocial

    Puberty began and I don’t even remember it happening. My mother kept me well fed with home cooked meals and I stayed plenty thin due to my amount of physical activity. I drank a little bit very young, but swore it off all through high school in order to focus on running cross country.
  • Cognitive

    I was a motivated student when it came to homework, mostly due to pressure from my parents and comparisons made to my brothers who did well in school. Not going to college was not an option for me.
  • Psychosocial

    In high school I made many friends who I am still close with today. I started a band with those friends and after graduating high school we began touring during our breaks from college.
  • Emerging Adulthood

    Ages 18-25: I graduated high school, moved out of my parent’s house, graduated college, and met my current partner.
  • Biosocial

    I exercised the most at this stage in my life. I left for college on a cross country scholarship and was told by the team physician that I had the lowest percent body fat on the team and should increase my calorie intake to avoid losing too much iron in my blood.
  • Father Passes Away from Heart Complications

    My father dies from heart arrhythmia while doing yard work. This comes after more than a decade of heart complications.
  • Cognitive

    I graduate from Seattle University with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. I am the fifth of five boys to graduate from college.
  • Psychosocial

    I met my partner at the age of 20. We became best friends over the course of a year or so and we began dating when I was 22 years old.
  • Adulthood

    Ages 25-65: This part of my life is consumed by working fulltime and going back to school to pursue a career in nursing.
  • Biosocial

    At age 30 I hope to have developed much better eating habits. I will still be biking and exercising regularly.
  • Cognitive

    I will have finished school by the age of 35 (no later hopefully) and will be working as a nurse.
  • Psychosocial

    Life will be filled with stress and I will see many ups and downs. I will still be paying off school loans, taking care of my elderly mother and hopefully be an adopted or foster parent.
  • Success (?)

    School loans will hopefully be close to paid off and I will be financially stable enough to travel with those closest to me.
  • Late Adulthood

    Ages 65- Estimated death is less than ten years from this age. I will try and stay active while at the same time eat as healthy as possible.
  • Biosocial

    I will have high blood pressure and cardiac disease like that of other family members.
  • Cognitive

    Dementia and Alzheimer’s have shown no presence in my family history. Therefore, I do not see myself facing such memory struggles in this stage of life.
  • Psychosocial

    I hope to retire by my late 60s. At this age I anticipate a significant increase of a heart condition like other men in my family around this age. Would love to be running a home recording studio.
  • Death and Dying

    Estimated age of death is 74 years old. I believe I will pass from heart problems associated with my family history of heart conditions.