
By Fickes
  • Period: to

    Deficit Spending

    pictureSpending more than is coming in
  • Deflict spending by the government and economic reform

    Deflict spending by the government and economic reform
    Who- Herirs of Louis XIV
    What- Liked pleasure more than business & ran up debt
    Where- France
    When- 1700s
    Why- The kings after Louis XIV listen to the 1at & 2nd Estates instead of doing what was right for everyone
    How- KIngs Louis XV & XVI ran up debt & forced the poor to pay
  • Period: to

    Estates-General meeting

    PictureLouis calls the meeting then it takes place
  • Patisians storm the Bastille

    Patisians storm the Bastille
    Who- Parisians
    What- Got royal troops to occupy the capital & demanded weapons and gunpower
    Where- city of paris, near versailles, at fort Bastile
    When- July 14, 1789
    Why- The parisians wanted king Louis XVI to listen to them
    HOw They got an army and demanded that the commander of Bastille give them weapons and gunpower. When he didnt they started a battle.
  • National Assembly Acts

    National Assembly Acts
    Who- Peasants
    What- Delaration of the rights of man. It was modeled after the American Declaration of Independence. States the Frenchmen were born & remain free & equal in rights. They had natuaral rights to liberty, Property, Sercurity & resistance
    Where- Bastille, France
    When- late Aug 1789
    Why- They wanted a fair governemnt and wanted everyone to be equal. They were influenced be the writing of locke and the philosophes.
  • National Assembly Act cont.

    National Assembly Act cont.
    How- The document only included man and not women so some women began to protest theit rights. On Oct.5th 6,000 women marched 13 miles from Paris to versailles and demanded to see the king. They wanted him to return to Paris and wouldnt leave until he agreed. He agreed and then was a virtual prisoner
  • Louis calls the Estates-General

    Louis calls the Estates-General
    Who- Louis XVI called the Estates-General just as France was at the edge of bankrupcy
    What Louis had all 3 Estated prepare notebooks listing grievences but the 3rd estate was always out voted because each estate only has one vote
    Where- Versailles, France
    Why- The 3rd estate wanted fair treatment & took the Tennis Court oath until they got it
  • Louis calls the Estated-General cont.

    Louis calls the Estated-General cont.
    How- They used the Tennis court oath that declared themselves the National Assembly & swore to never seperate & meet whenever until they established a sound & just constitution.
  • Theats From Abroad

    Theats From Abroad
    Who- King of Purssia and emperor of Austria
    What- They issued the declaration of Plnitz
    When- August 1791
    Where- France
    Why- The two monarvhs wanted to protect the Frenvh monarchy
    How- The king of prussia and emperor of Austria theatened to intervene the French took it seriously where it could have been a bluff but they prepared for war/
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Who- Sans-Culotts & Jocobins
    What- They started a group where the didnt wear fancy knee breeches they wore long trousers
    When- October 1791
    Where- Paris, France
    Why- They wanted a republic a government with elected representives
    How- They got people to help like Jocobins and Legislative Assembly and handed out Newspapers and pampphetees.
  • Monarchy is abolished

    Monarchy is abolished
    Who- Parisians
    What Parisians stormed the royal palace of tuileries and killed the kings gards.
    When- August 10,1792
    Where- France
    Why- They wanted to abolish absolute monarchy.
    How- The patisians killed all the kings gards. They also attacked prisons that had nobles and priets in it. They killed about 1,200 prisoners. They then took control of the assembly.
  • Robespierre and the reign of terror

    Robespierre and the reign of terror
    Who- Covention
    What- Created a new committee that helped keep France safe while also in charge of trails and executions. Then create a taz oneveryone to help the french revolution.
    When- sep. 1793-july 1794
    Where- France
    Why- To deal with therats, deal with people inside france and outside france.
    How- Robespierre was chief achetes of reign of terrr. Revolutionary courts held hasty trails. Believed terror was necessary to acheve goals. 300,000 aressted 17,000 executed
  • Revoution enters its 3rd stage

    Revoution enters its 3rd stage
    Who- French
    What- Coming up with the third constitution since 1789
    WHen- 1795-1799
    Where- France
    Why- It was becoming weak but dictatorial and they were faced with growing discontent.
    How- They set up a fiveman directory and a two-house legislature witch is voted on by men who own property. The middle class and professional people were the dominant during the french revolution.
  • Spred of Nationalism

    Spred of Nationalism
    Who- Napoleon barnapar
    What- Gives this new idea of nationalism
    When- 1799
    Where- Fance
    Why- He wanted power and gave them a new idea of having pride for the country not for the king or emperor.
    How- Told the pople of Fance about his victory not his loss. He brought himself to power.