
Islam timeline

  • 570

    Muhammad was born

    Muhammad was born
    Muhammad was born in Mecca into a poor clan, he was orphaned at a young age, and was raised by his grandparents.
  • Mar 4, 610

    Muhammad was visited by the angel Gabriel

    Muhammad was visited by the angel Gabriel
    He was told by the angel Gabriel that he was a prophet sent to earth by god. He began preaching a new monotheistic faith called Islam
  • Mar 4, 613

    Muhammad began preaching in Mecca

    Muhammad began preaching in Mecca
    Muhammad began preaching his new ideas in Mecca. Many people liked it but others feared his growing popularity
  • Mar 4, 622

    Muhammad and the muslims migrate from Mecca to Medina

    Muhammad and the muslims migrate from Mecca to Medina
    Muhammads journeys to Medina to preach his teachings and Islam begins to spread. This was also called the year of the Hijra.
  • Mar 4, 630

    Muhammad wins control of Mecca

    Muhammad wins control of Mecca
    Muhammad returned to Mecca with 1,000 troops and conquerd the city.
  • Mar 4, 632

    Muhammad died

    Muhammad died
    Muhammad dies but only after all people of Mecca are converted to Islamic.
  • Mar 5, 641

    Conquest of Persia.

    Conquest of Persia.
    Persia was conquered along with Egypt.
  • Mar 5, 655

    Assassination of Uthman, the third caliph.

    Assassination of Uthman, the third caliph.
    Rebels broke into Uthman's house and murdered him.
  • Mar 5, 661

    Death of Ali ibn Abi Talib

    Death of Ali ibn Abi Talib
    Ali ibn Abi Talib was the fourth caliph and first Shii imam.
    Muawiya then became caliph and founder of Umayyad dynasty.
  • Mar 5, 700

    Conquest Berber

    Conquest Berber
    The berber tribes in North Africa were conquered,.
  • Mar 5, 711

    Conquest of Andalusia

    Conquest of Andalusia
    Tariq ibn Ziyad leads the conquest of Andalusia in southern Spain.
  • Mar 5, 732

    Battle of Tours

    Battle of Tours
    Byzantine forces crossed spain and were pushing into france, but they were defeated in the Battle of Tours.
  • Mar 5, 750

    Abbasids capture Damascus

    Abbasids capture Damascus
    Discontented muslims found a leader in Abu al-Abbas, who captured Damascus
  • Mar 14, 1095

    Pope Urban II trys to conquer Jerusalem

    Pope Urban II trys to conquer Jerusalem
    Pope Urban II launched the First Crusade to conquer Jerusalem.
  • Mar 14, 1099

    Crusaders capture Jerusalem

    Crusaders capture Jerusalem
    Crusaders capture Jerusalem which endede the First Crusade.
  • Mar 14, 1111

    Death of Abu Hamid al-Ghazal

    Death of Abu Hamid al-Ghazal
    Death of Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, he was a philosopher and theologian.
  • Mar 14, 1273

    Death of Jalal al-Din Rumi

    Death of Jalal al-Din Rumi
    Death of Jalal al-Din Rumi, he was a Sufi poet and teacher, in Konya.
  • Mar 14, 1453

    Constantinople falls

    Constantinople falls
    Constantinople falls to the Ottomans and becomes the new Ottoman capital. The Byzantine Empire ends.
  • Conquest of Syria and the fall of Jerusalem

    Conquest of Syria and the fall of Jerusalem
    Caliph Omer went to Syria and Jerusalem and orded removal of debris and construction of mosque there.
  • Building of the great Mosque

    Building of the great Mosque
    The building of the Great Mosque at Cordoba.
  • The death of Ahmad ibn Hanbal

    The death of Ahmad ibn Hanbal
    The death of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, hadith scholar and eponym of the Hanbali Legal School.
  • Death of Malik ibn Anas

    Death of Malik ibn Anas
    Death of Malik ibn Anas, he was the jurist of Medina and the eponym of the Maliki Legal School.
  • Death of Rabia al-Adawiyya.

    Death of Rabia al-Adawiyya.
    Death of female mystic Rabia al-Adawiyya.
  • Death of Shaybani

    Death of Shaybani
    Death of Shaybani, he was the cofounder of Hanafi Legal School.
  • Foundation of Fez

    Foundation of Fez
    Foundation of Fez in the Maghrib.
  • Death of Abu Yusuf

    Death of Abu Yusuf
    Death of Abu Yusuf, he was the co-founder of Hanafi Legal School.