Hijrah nabi

Prophet Mohammed's Important Events

  • Jan 1, 622

    Prophets Migration (Hijrah)

    Prophets Migration (Hijrah)
    Till the thirteenth year of his mission, the Prophet (S.A.) called the people in Mecca to Islam, and stood firm when faced with the persecutions of the Quraysh. Eventually he got to know that the Quraysh had hatched an incredible plot to kill him, so he put Hazrat 'Ali (A.S.) to sleep in his bed in his place and left Mecca at night; he hid in a cave, and then migrated from there to Medina. The hijrah of the Prophet opened an entirely new chapter in the history of Islam.
  • Period: Jan 1, 622 to Dec 31, 630

    Important Events between 1-8 Hijrah

  • Feb 19, 622

    Two Great Distinctions Of Ali

    The Prophet established brotherhood between a pair of two among three hundred persons out of the Muhajirs and Ansar and told every one of them that he was the brother of such and such person. When the establishment of brotherhood was completed Ali, with tears in his eyes, said to the Prophet: "You have established brotherhood amongst your companions but have not". made me the brother of anyone".
  • Mar 25, 622

    Another Ali Distinction

    he construction of the mosque was completed. Around the mosque there were the houses of the Prophet and his companions. There were also the houses whose doors opened into the mosque, and whose inmates entered the mosque through those doors. Suddenly an order was received from Allah that all the doors which opened into the mosque.
  • Jul 22, 622

    A New Society Being Built

    A New Society Being Built
    The first task to which the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) attended on his arrival in Madinah was the construction of a Mosque, in the very site where his camel knelt down. The land, which belonged to two orphans, was purchased.
  • Nov 29, 622

    The Status Quo Immigration at Medina

    Emigration to Madinah could never be attributable to attempts to escape from jeers and oppression only, but it also constituted a sort of cooperation with the aim of erecting the pillars of a new society in a secure place. Hence it was incumbent upon every capable Muslim to contribute to building this new homeland.
  • Jan 1, 623

    Battle of Badr

    The first battle between the Muslims and the unbelievers of Makkah took place at Badr (a valley between Makkah and Medina) in the second year of the Hijrah. In this battle, the number of fully equipped unbelievers was about one thousand. The Muslims were about one-third of them and lacked all necessary war equipment, but divine dispensation afforded the Muslims a bright victory.
  • Jan 1, 624

    Battle Of Uhud

    Battle Of Uhud
    In the third year of Hijrah, the unbelievers of Makkah, led by Abu Sufyan again rushed towards Medina with three thousand men (and according to one narration with five thousand men). They confronted the Muslims at Uhud out- side Medina. In this battle, the Holy Prophet (SA) arrayed seven hundred Muslims to face the enemy.
  • Jan 1, 626

    Battle Of Khandak

    Battle Of Khandak
    This was the third battle declared by the Arab unbelievers against the Holy Prophet (s.a.). It was also the last battle under the leadership of the people of Makkah. It was a very severe battle in which the unbelievers had fully equipped themselves with their forces and powers. In the history, this battle is known as the "Battle of Ahzab" and "Khandaq".
  • Feb 14, 626

    The Battle Of Khaybar

    The Battle Of Khaybar
    After the Battle of Khandaq, originally provoked by the Jews who cooperated with the Arab unbelievers and who had openly breached their treaty with Muslims, the Holy Prophet (s.a.) proceeded to punish the Jewish tribes in Medina by the order of Allah. He fought several battles, all of which ended in the victory and triumph of Muslims. The most important of these battles was the Battle of Khaybar.
  • Jan 1, 627

    Inviting Rulers and Kings To Islam

    The Holy Prophet (s.a.) settled in Medina. Gradually, a great number of the Muslims of Makkah, who were under the torture by the unbelievers, relinquished their homes and belongings and migrated to Medina. Ansar also kept their promise and received them wholeheartedly. The Holy Prophet (s.a.) constructed Masjid al-Nabi at Medina. Other mosques were also built.
  • Jan 1, 627

    Hudaiybiyah Treaty

    Hudaiybiyah Treaty
    The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was an important event that took place during the formation of Islam. It was a pivotal treaty between Muhammad, representing the state of Medina, and the Quraish tribe of Mecca in March 628(corresponding to Dhu al-Qi'dah, 6 AH).
  • Apr 19, 627

    Invasion Of Banu Quraydah

    The Banu Qurayza reportedly signed a treaty with Muhammad, but it is unclear whether or not their treaty with Muhammad, obliged the Qurayza help him defend Medina or merely to remain neutral, according to Ramadan, they had signed an agreement of mutual assistance with Muhammad.This stance is supported by medieval sources Ibn Ishaq/Ibn Hisham and al-Waqidi.
  • May 19, 627

    The Invasion Of Bani Al Mustaliq

    The Banu al Mustaliq, allied to the Quraish of Mecca, were the subject to a pre-emptive attack by Muhammad in the month of Sha'ban of the year 626 (5 AH). Muhammad had received news that the tribe was gathering together against the Muslims under the leadership of al-Harith ibn Abi Dirar. The Muslim force met the Banu Mustaliq in battle at a watering place called al-Muraysi‘.
  • Jun 26, 627

    Delegations & Expeditions

    A military expedition led by ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf was despatched to the habitation of Bani Kalb in Doumat Al-Jandal in Sha‘ban 6 Hijri. Before setting out, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) summoned ‘Abdur Rahman, and placed his hand on the latter’s hand invoking Allâh’s blessings and giving him commandments to act magnanimously during the war.
  • Feb 19, 630

    Other Battles

    Within ten years of his stay in Medina, the Holy Prophet (s.a.) fought almost eighty major and minor battles other than those previously mentioned. The Holy Prophet (s.a.) personally participated in almost one-fourth of the number of these battles.
  • Battle Of Hunayn

    After the conquest of Makkah, the Holy Prophet (s.a.) proceeded to clear out the suburbs of the city and fought numerous battles with the Arab idol-worshippers, one of which was the Battle of Hunayn. The Battle of Hunayn was one of the most important battles of the Holy Prophet (s.a.).
  • Ghadir Khumm And The Issue Of Succession

    Makkah was the last city whose conquest led to the absolute domination of Islam over the Arabian Peninsula. It has the Haram (Sacred premises) of Allah and the site of Ka'bah. This city fell in the hands of the army of Islam in the 8th year of Hijrah.
  • A New Phase Of Islamic Action

    Al-Hudaibiyah Truce marked a new phase in the process of Islamic action and life of the Muslims. Quraish, a bitter enemy of Islam, now withdraws from the war arena and embraces a peaceful settlement with the Muslims, thus the third support of a tripartite enemy (Quraish, Ghatfan and the Jews) is broken.
  • The Compensatory Umrah

    The first pilgrimage or Umrah Dhu'l-Qada (Pilgrimage of the 11th month) was the first pilgrimage that Muhammad and the Muslims made after the Migration to Medina. It took place on the morning of the fourth day of Dhu al-Qi'dah 7 AH (629 CE), after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah 6 AH (628 CE). The entire event was three days long.