Development of Islam in Jamaica

  • 1500

    Islams Birth in Jamiaca

    Islams Birth in Jamiaca
    Moorish sailors who in part contributed to columbus' nagivagtion of the atlantic and caribean sea, carried islam to the island with them. As well as moorish slaves who began to arrive on the island after settlement the muslim population increased in the early 1500s
  • Place of refuge for rebellious slaves

    Slaves arrived from Muslim nations of western and sub-Saharan regions of Africa to increase muslim population on island
  • British Occupation of Jamaica

    British occupation of Jamaica resulted in attacks on muslim community
  • Peace Treaty

    Attacks on muslim communities ended with a peace treaty which provided and let muslim communities move as such without attack from British. Caused because of island alliance between muslims and authorities choosing peace over war as long as muslims were identified as separate entities.
  • Period: to

    Absence of islam in Jamaica

    Due to the deaths of leaders and lack of islamic teachings it was hard to preserve islam in the country during this time along with pressure from the Anglican church that lead to an end in islam.
  • Baptist Rebellion

    Baptist Rebellion
    Rebellion against the church and powers established against slaves resulted in complete physical torture which also stripped muslim slaves of their spiritual beliefs essentially ending islam in the country
  • Transatlantic Slave Trade and re birth of islam

    Transatlantic Slave Trade and re birth of islam
    Slave Trade is what brought islam back to the small island of Jamaica. West africans that were brought to the island along with their religious beliefs.
  • Founding of Mosque

    Founding of Mosque
    Muhammad Khan muslim immigrant founded, who came from Uttar. Other Mosques were built shortly after which became the place for muslim community to participate in activities together.
  • Independence of Jamaica

    Independence helped to unite and bring together muslims of the island with many people migrating into the country as well as leaving. This built the foundation for what would be the islamic council and mosques of the island.