Insert Elaborate French/Industrial Revolution Title

By dfeurer
  • Declaration Of Independence

    The day the Continental Congress Voted for Independence . Political
  • French Enter the War

    The French begin to aid American revolutionaries. Significants amount of money are loaned, hurting France's economy. Military
  • Period: to

    Bad Harvest

    A bad harvest forces pricing of bread to increase
  • Estates General Meeting

    Held in Versailles, all the Estates (Clergy, Nobles, Peasant) represent for voting and financial crisis. Economic
  • Third Estate declares themselves the National Assembly

    After demanding representation, the Third Estate votes and establishes themselves as the National Assembly. Political
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The King locks the doors so the Estates-General can’t meet. This forces the Third Estate to meeton a Tennis Court. They pledge not to stop until they have a constitution, and it is known as the Tennis Court Oath. Diplomatic
  • Storming of the Bastille

    A mob searching for gunpowder and arms stormed the Bastille, a Paris prison. Political
  • End of the Old Regime

    This marked the day when all the taxes and equality changed. They made commoners equal to the clergy and nobles. Political
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    This was when this document was approved by the National Assembly. It contained ideas of natural rights and and other enlightenment ideas. Social
  • Declaration of the Rights of Women

    Olympe de Gouges writes about challenging their inferiority
  • Mary Wollstonecraft

    Known for A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, mary argues that women are not inferior, they just do not have the education of men. Social
  • Napoleon Siezes Power

    Napoleon overthrows the revolutionaries in control and takes the reigns. Political
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor. Political
  • Batlle of Trafalgar

    This is a very large battle that takes place in spain. Military
  • Napolenic Invasion of Russia

    Napolean siezes Russia with a massiviley diverse army from all over Europe.
  • Napoleon Escapes Alba

    After learing about Louis 18 becoming the new ruler, he escaped from this island to become the ruler after being banished. Political
  • Missouri Compromise

    This comprimise diffused slavery between states, trying to preserve the balance between slave and free states. Economic
  • Death of Napoleon

    He was banished to a remote island. Social
  • Factory Act of 1873

    The act occured Britain. It prevented women and children from working over 10 hours per day. The cause was that employers were overworking many employees. Economic
  • The Communist Manifesto

    The book is written and published by Karl Marx. It represents his socialist opinions, which were becoming popular with many people. Social
  • The Emancipation Procolmation

    Given by Abraham Lincoln, this speech touched on military and slavery, specifically how only congress could abolish it. Cultural