Important events

  • My birth

    I was born in Barranquilla and finally my family met me
  • Soccer

    The first time I played soccer in a soccer school
  • My first tournament

    This day I won my first trophy with my team and a medal.
  • My first soccer trip

    My first roadtrip with soccer and the camp after it, was one of the most exciting moments in my life
  • Junior, my dog

    Me and my family adopted a dog called Junior and I love him
  • My sister's graduation

    The day of graduation of my sister was so happy because I met her friends and also we went to a beautiful restaurant with a night party at home
  • My first cellphone and play station

    I was happy when my parents gave me a cellphone and also my play station because finally I could play on it
  • Max, the dog

    My sister adopted a dog called Max and then adopted Onyx, they are two dogs and I love them