
Immigration timeline

  • Moving to amercia

    Moving to amercia
    Hi my name is bang lee i am moving to amercia so i could get a better life for my familly. life in china was really hard for me i had a low wage paying job and i didn't really live in the best city in china.
  • Making may way to amercia

    Making may way to amercia
    I had to pass through angel island along the way to make it through amercia. it wasn't easy to go through angel island i had to do all these test to see if i could pass. unlike the rich could just pass right through and i wasn't rich.
  • Enterting amercia

    Enterting amercia
    When i entard amerciia i struggled with predjudice and disrimination and violence. it was very hard for me to go through that. i didn't do anything to them.
  • Getting lied to

    Getting lied to
    i got lied to saying that when i came to amercia that i would live in a nice house and make a lot of money but, that did not happen.
  • Bad times in amercia

    Bad times in amercia
    i am having a tough time in amercia i dont think amercia is the right place for me to live. I need to move to oklahoma to be a railroad worker and make more money then i am right know.
  • The chiinnese exculison act

    The chiinnese exculison act
    My family was planning on comming to see me and live with me but the chinnese excullison act stop them from coming over to america for 10 years. I was not happy.
  • Getting a job in oklahoma

    Getting a job in oklahoma
    I got a job as an railroad worker in oklahoma and i am getting an ok amount of money. enough to surive.
  • Gettting a house

    Gettting a house
    iIfinal got a hosue because i worked everyday and that got enough money to by myself a little hosue
  • Family coming

    Family coming
    After ten year my family came over from china to oklahoma to live with me i am so extcied. this happen because the chinnese exclusilion act ended.
  • Becoming old

    Becoming old
    i final got to retire, i didn't have to be a railroad worker anymore. my 2 kids got married and had kids. I was a grandpa. Al my grandchildern love me