"How I came to be" Timeline

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    Person: My Dad

    My dad is an inspiration to me because of his story of how he came from a poor family, but he worked hard to get into a good university and earn a lot of money for his family. He also taught me to look at history from multiple perspectives, and never believe everything that comes out of a history textbook. Since I love history, this really impacted me.
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    Person: Church Friends from '03

    My church friends have been there for me for as long as I can remember. We went through the same korean church school program and we were in the same group for bible studies and they are some of my closest friends where I can act like myself and speak my mind.
  • Learning English in New Zealand

    I was quite late to learning language in general, so my parents took me to New Zealand for a couple months to learn English. It was a very notable experience because it was the first time I was exposed to people that weren't Asian, I was able to expose to myself to a diversity of culture.
  • Joining ICS

    I wouldn't have Christ-centered thinking and morals without going to ICS because if I didn't go to ICS, I wouldn't be surrounded in a safe, Christian environment.
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    Person: Tutor

    I had a tutor when I was in elementary and she helped me get through getting my homework done in a fun fashion. She also taught me about her experiences in growing up and growing in faith.
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    Person: My helper

    She was my 4th helper I ever had but she was definitely the most influential helper I had. I spent a lot of time with her because I wasn't very social when I was young. She taught me so many card games and she taught me how to play chess. Without her, I would have a much harder time in camps or flying in a low cost carrier with friends because I wouldn't know how to play the games.
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    Person: Alden Ng

    He was my friend I hung out with the most throughout elementary. We had similar interests in history and alternate history. My elementary life wouldn't have been as interesting or as fun without him. We also had a lot of fun failing Chinese tests together back in 4th grade.
  • I thought I was cool to lie about being a "hacker"

    I was 9 at the time, and there were a lot of schoology accounts getting hacked. I thought I was cool and I lied about me being a hacker. My peers instantly thought I was a hacker and I had a tough social life for the next few months. This taught me that honesty is the best policy.
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    Person: Pastor Mo

    He was my pastor for 4 years until he took over the English branch in our church. He taught me a lot about God and how I should move forward in my faith. He also drilled in good morals to set me straight while I was going through the "trying to be cool" phase in middle school.
  • Church "Student Council"

    This was the first role with some responsibility I was ever given. We had to plan the activities for a breakout in our church.
  • younglife HK

    I had a lot of fun and during the trip, there were college students who were chaperones. I got to learn a lot from them and helped me grow in Christ.
  • Xi'An church trip

    I got to see my seniors who were in their mid-20s, lead an entire trip to Xi An. They led all the games and breakout sessions and it made me look up to them as good Christ-centered leaders.
  • Watching "Kuroko no Basuke"

    This Japanese Basketball anime series changed my life because, without it, I would've never picked up a basketball ever. And I can't imagine my last 4 years without basketball.
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    Person: Daniel Kim

    He was quite influential during my middle school years as well because he also set me straight. He influenced me to not drop to the deep lows of being a middle schooler, and I would've stooped much lower without his advice and guidance.
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    Person: Yun Su-hyeon

    I met him on an online platform called ROBLOX when I was really young. Since we were both Koreans, we got along really well. In the online platform, there is a groups system where a Roblox Aviation Industry exists. I was a pioneer in pushing Asians in the industry and we started off with him thanking me for trying to push Asians in a western dominated industry. As we got older, our friendship went beyond ROBLOX and we talked a lot about important and current events. He is an influence in my life
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    Person: Psychology Tutor

    He taught me to not be brainwashed by media, but instead to investigate matters myself. He introduced me to the book Sapiens and it gave me a different perspective on the history of mankind.
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    Person: Bible Study Group Teacher

    This person really holds me accountable every sunday and keeps me on track. He makes sure I don't fall asleep on the morning services on sundays, and he keeps me accountable with my responsibilities as a member of the student council in my church.
  • Church "Student Council" #2

    I got in again, but I really got to see how the others were leading the group. I wasn't as involved this year, and it really gave me a chance to look up to my seniors in my church and helped me grow.
  • U16 Captain

    This was the first time I actually had to lead something from experience. I had to learn how to be vocal to my teammates and how to encourage and communicate effectively
  • Church "Student Council" #3

    I got re-elected again, this time unwillingly. I tried to be more responsible and pay more attention in meetings, although I didn't really help with planning. For a thanksgiving event, we did the choreography for a worship song which was fun, and I enjoyed helping my friend lead.