homework timeline

By atreyu
  • the first time i talked.

    I was only 3 weeks old!!!!
  • first time I walked

    i was only 8 weeks old hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahh
  • my cousin fell in a pond!

    we had a poem written about my auntie and brooklyn were so wet!
  • first time I wene't in the forest by myself

    it was fun
  • my first cross country.

    i came 1st draw with katuta.
  • first time i rode my bike without training wheels

    it was hard
  • my first bionicle

    it was my birthday
  • the first time I walked home from school alone.

    i was scared
  • cracked my head open. :(

    i was walking down concrete steps there was a window above but i did not see it my head hit it and i fell and my head hit the steps. :(
  • my first time cooking deviled sauseges

    they were yum