Holocaust and human relations

  • 2017 BCE


    Www.jewishvirtuallibrary.com Www.romanhistory.com
  • 1835 BCE

    Execution of James Pratt and John Smith

    Execution of James Pratt and John Smith
    James and John were charged for having sexual relations with one another in England. They were both hanged for punishment. This would be the final time in England that any person would be murdered legally for homosexual relations/sex.
  • 1530 BCE

    Egyptians Act of 1530

    Egyptians Act of 1530
    The Egyptians Act of 1530 was a act passed by the parliament of England in 1531 to expel people who titled themselves with the word "Egyptians." This act blocked any new Roma from entering the country as well.
  • 1346 BCE

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death, also known as The Black plague, was a devastating plague that killed a estimated 75 million people in the 14th century.The Black Death originated off trading ships in 1347, while in Messina, a harbor city in northeast Sicily (Italy.) Foreign ships docked and when the townspeople went to greet the men, almost all were dead and the rest were ill.The authorities demanded the ships to leave, but the plague already spread. Millions were killed and it spread rapidly throughout Europe.
  • 1292 BCE

    Johann de Wettre Executed in Ghent, Belgium

    Johann de Wettre Executed in Ghent, Belgium
    Johann, a knifemaker, was burned alive for engaging in a act "detested by God." (Homosexual sex) Johann wasn't the first man to be killed for this action, but this was the first recorded one in history.
  • 1290 BCE


    In 1290, King Edward I issued a law expelling all Jews from England. This rule/law remained in effect throughout the rest of the middle ages. After 360 years, The new king Oliver Cromwell permitted the Jews to return to England. While in office, King Edward taxed the Jews heavily. Jews took the title extraordinanent moneylenders which made them extremely unpopular with the church and the public as well. Years after they were sentenced to expulsion and dispersed to other countries.
  • 1095 BCE

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    The Crusades consisted of a military expedition of Catholics in the 11,12, and 13th Centuries to conquer Israel (Jerusalem) from the Muslims. The first Crusade was pitched by Pope Urban II. He wanted to repeal the Muslims from Taking and Jerusalem (Holy Land.) The pope promised that whoever fought for him will be resolved of all sins. After centuries of combat between the crusaders and Muslims, the Crusaders were called heroes of the war. The Crusaders took back Jerusalem and held it for years.