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Haylees life

By hvylee
  • Haylees Birthday!

    Haylees Birthday!
    I was born August 1st, 1997 in Scottsdale, Arizona. My moms name is Stefani, and my dads name is Jim. They're both super great.
  • First broken bone

    First broken bone
    At 7 months old, I supposedly "fell out of my crib" and broke my shoulder and my right collar bone. The real story is, my aunt dropped me, everyone knows it but she never has admitted to it. This injury is the first of many.
  • Ryann's Born!!

    Ryann's Born!!
    My beloved little sister was born on this day! She is my "mini-me" andI love her more than I love myself. She has been through some very traumatic experiences throughout her ife, and remains prec ious as ever.
  • Parents Divorce :(

    Parents Divorce :(
    Ryann was 9 months old, and I had just turned 6. That day replays in my head very vividly. It was a very scary, and sad day. My paretns were together for 8 years, and have been separated for almost 12.
  • Dad remarries

    Dad remarries
    My dad, unfortunately met, and married the devil in the flesh. Her name was Kim, and she was horrible. She put my sister and I through some extremely horrible times to which we're still recovering. Im taking this class online because I missed so much school my junior year, because of her.
  • Mom goes to rehab

    Mom goes to rehab
    My ex-step-mom was a master at finding things out. She followed my mom and took it upon herself to let me know my mom was/ had been a drug addict for many years. My mom used meth frequently, and abused pills and alcohol. The craziest thing about it was how good she was at hiding it. I never saw my mom drink, but there was always bottles of wine in the fridge. She was gone for 45 days, and missed my 14th birthday. She's been sober almost 4 years now!!

    Best/ worst day of my life. I was so excited to start high school, but so sad I had 4 years left before I was done. And, here I am. 9 weeks away from adulthood.... very scary.
  • Haylee goes to the hospital again

    Haylee goes to the hospital again
    I tried to commit suicide when I was 15. I was under more stress than the president, the mediator between all 3 of my parents, going in and out of custody court, taking care of my sister, trying to manage school and life, and finally cracked. I was going throught too much and desperatrely needed a break, which I thought was dying. I learned all of the coping skills I use today, and though, my ife is still hectic, I am happier than ever!
  • Nepal!!!

    I had the amazing opportunity to travel to a Nepalese orphanage. I went with my moms bosses humanitrian organization. we brought 19, 50lb boxes full of basic medicine, toiletries, toys, underwear and socks, etc. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. My view on life has never been the same.
  • First real job

    First real job
    I started working for QuikTrip on March 17, 2014. I am approaching my one year anniversary! This job has taught me vital skills that Ii'll use for the rest of my life. I love it!