
Haileys time line

By ymes070
  • Phone

    The phone really changed my moms life now she can talk to my family all around the world. Phones are very useful to conected with people she knew.
  • Computer

    When the computer came out my brother was able to go on the internet and type to friends and family. My brother and my mom do skype on the computer to talk to each other.
  • Game Systym

    Game Systym
    The game system was vary fun to use it kept my mom ocupied from bugging her siblings. She liked playing mario cart with her brothers and sisters
  • Walkman

    It is used to listen on your own and you use a cassete mom liked listen to music by my her.
  • Iron

    The iron makes my moms clotes nice and straght for when I go out to partys, Or friends. the iron really changed my life for when I need nice clothes
  • TV

    My mom could watch the news and she could see new movies, and classics. the TV really chenged my familys life.
  • Coffee Machine

    Coffee Machine
    The coffee machine helped my mom to make nice hot coffee faster and easyer. The coffee machine changed my life because I could make coffee fast.
  • Coculater

    The coculater helped me with doing my multipulcation, division, adition, and subtraction
  • Radio

    My brother loved the radio because he did not have to turn on the T.V to here the weather ford cast. he can also listen to music with his friends.
  • Ipod

    my brother was so happy when the ipod came out because he can listen to music independently. And he can pick what songs he wants and put it one his ipod.
  • Microwave

    I was happy when they came up with the microwave because you could heat up frozen food and eat left overs nice and warm like you just cooked it .
  • stove

    I can make dinner you can heat up your food or boil it the stove is very hot if you tuoch it when its on you will get really burned.