Hailey's Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born into this world a dark haired lovely little girl. My mom got super sick with my older sister Anna, luckily I was her easiest child. Without me they wouldn't have had Carrie or Jeff. My younger siblings.
  • Acid Reflux and Arm

    About a month after I was born I had Acid Reflux. Where I would constantly throw up my stomach acid. I have been told I was always in pain. Then my mother noticed that my left arm wouldn't move. It would just stay by my side. The doctor said I was laying on it so it lt lacked muscle development. This is where most of my pain tolerance came from. So i'm told
  • Carrie's birth

    A Year and a half since I was born Carrie was born. We quickly became friends. And have been ever since. She made me more intrepid, and outgoing. I always find comfort in her. Her influence has Made me try to be more sociland talk to people I normally wouldn't
  • First Wolford Ice Fishing Derby

    When I was about 8, my dad and grandpa decided to take me to the Wolford reservoir annual ice fishing derby. Super cold but that is where I fell in love with fishing. Despite being so little it I where my love for fishing and the outdoors began.
  • Makeup Class for Mutual

    Once for our church mutual activity we had a makeup proffessional come and teach us all about it. I was facinated, I took all of the samples and even offered to have her demo on me. This still affects me. I am always finding ways to make my makeup look better and have begun spending money on skin care. It is just a fun thing I like to do.
  • Babysitting Camden

    My Little cousin Camden has had a huge impact on my life. Befor I began Babysitting him I was impatient and stubborn with little kids. When I babysat him I loosened up and just had fun. Now i am verry good with kids of all ages and I love that.
  • Take Your Kids to Work Day

    My Dad works for the gvernmen as a civil enginneer. Every year on Take your Kids to work day, His building hosts a toyur where you can see all he projecs they are working on. Like dams, fish ladderrs, and all sorts of cool outdoor stuff. Even with live fish and demonstrations. This always amazed me and made me reall love teh outdoors. I am up for any outdoor adventure no matter crazy.
  • 5th-6th Grade

    When I was in 5th grade I could care less about school. My grades were poor. However when I entered 6th grade I actually stated to care about school. My grades turned around and I haven't let them slip ever since. From then on I have tried to get all A's and have proudly done it.
  • Trip to California

    I had always loved the ocean but never before had seen it. It was my first time getting to see the ocean. I loved it. I instantly fell in love. That trip sparked my Want to be a Marine Biologist. That is still what I want to be. I am fascinated with sea life and how they survive. Fun Fact: I also love mermaids and have my own Mermiad Tail.
  • Cheating in 6th Grade

    One day in 6th grade I received my math test back. I got a 17.5 out of 18. It drove me nuts. When I looked it over i wrote the answer correctly but it looked like another number. So I erased it and changed it. When I brought it to him he cought me and I told him what I did. This moment caused me to bump up my integrity, and know that that is not the way to good grades.