
  • iPod Nano

    iPod Nano
    I got a silver iPod Nano for my 13th birthday and it was the best present in the world too me!! Sadly sophomore year my jerk ex-boyfriend put it in water after I broke up with him. Dramatic right?!

    I got my first cell phone, Verizon EnV3 when I was in 8th grade for getting good grades!!
  • Wii

    My dad randomly came home with gifts, I got a Wii which I still use today, my sister got an ipad, and my brother got a new snowboard. It was like Christmas and mom wasn't a happy camper for all the money spent!!!
  • Kindle #1

    Kindle #1
    Ohhhhh my first Kindle! Honestly I just bought it for the free books I could download and to not look like a nerd for reading all the time ha! Now I could read in style!!!!
  • Kindle #2

    Kindle #2
    So my beloved gsp dog Capone killed my first Kindle by stepping on the screen and caused the inside to crack and freeze! SO I bought another since I was past the 30 day warranty. :,(
  • iPhone 4s

    iPhone 4s
    Team iPhone!!! It seemded like I was the only person out there without a smart phone and our 2 year contracts were comming up so my dad told the family we could choose either an iPhone 4s or a Sampsung Galaxy s3. I still have this phone and have my contract ending in a couple months, this phone has been great so I probably won't even be using my upgrade!!! (I changed my glass from white to pink)
  • iPad 2

    iPad 2
    I went to my high school's sober grad after graduation. They had anawesome raffle going all night long and I have a bad luck gene where I never win. Long story short, the night was over and as I was getting my things they announced they were doing a surprise grand prize and I was the winner!!!!!
  • MacBook Pro

    MacBook Pro
    When I graduated Basic Training from the Army I splurged and bought myself a MacBook Pro because of all its features and how rare it was to get virus'. It was a great gift to myself and it made me proud thinking of what I had to do to earn the money for my big purchase. God Bless America!!!
  • Kindle #3

    Kindle #3
    Poor Kindle #2 died the same way as #2 did so ONCE AGAIN I bought another!!!! By this point I was thinking, "there's no way I'm paying for the expensive one because of my recent history!"
  • Ps3 slim

    My boyfriend was a little short on rent money so he unfortunately had to sell his X-Box. I had some money saved so I bought a Ps3 so that I can still watch my Netflix shows and such. I love gifting myself!!!