french revoulution

  • the leaders

    the leaders
    france had an absoloute monarchy
    king louis xvi
    marie antwonette
  • napolean defeated

    napolean defeated
    napolean has beeen defeated
  • causes of french reveloution

    causes of french reveloution
    france was bankrupt
    bad harvests
    spent alot of money on fighting england
  • teh estates system

    teh estates system
    france was divided into 3 estates
    the clerg,nobility ,commonors
  • france is out of money

    france is out of money
    they would vote on 1st and 2nd estate to pay taxes
  • the enlightment

    kings power should be limited
    people should have rights/freedom
  • drm

    declaration of rights of man
    tennis court oath
  • king louis xvi

    king louis xvi
    not enough gunpowder
    kings army surrounded the city of paris
  • frenach revoulution

    frenach revoulution
    thousands of parsians attack the fort succesfullyget the gumpowder
  • the great escape

    the great escape
    one night the king and his family got in thier royal carrige and using the cover of darkness they tried to head to austria
  • war

    king louis will get his head cut off
    6 other countries are at war with france
  • guillitiegin

    a machine thing that cuts off heads
    king louis head cut off
    maira antwonnette head cut off
  • reign of terror

    reign of terror
    as a result,the french gov.started killing anyine who was against the french
  • napolean defeated and died

    napolean defeated and died
    died of piossion arsonic
    king loius xviii
  • bread march

    bread march
    they want men to have rights
    want foood
    king gave them bread
  • bread march results

    bread march results
    thousands of women break through the gates and slaughtered the guardes