Napoleon bonaparte

French Revolution Timeline

  • Tennis court Oath

    Tennis court Oath
    The Estates-General was the meeting of the three estates: the clergy (first estate) the Nobility (the second) and the third estate which was the rest of the French population. Each estate had one vote but most of the time the third Estates vote got overruled so they had a meeting of their own. They met on a tennis court and refused to leave till France was given a constitution.
    I think this is important because it is considered to be what helped start the movement.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution Timeline

  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    Foreign soldiers and mercenaries started arriving in pairs. Jaques necker who was the Director- general of finances was considered sympathetic towards the commoners so when he was dismissed by the king it was taken as an attempt to shut down the assembly so they stormed the Bastille. The soldiers there surrendered a few hours later.
    I think this is important because it's considered to be the start of the French revolution.
  • Abolition of Feudalism

    Abolition of Feudalism
    On the 4th and 11th of August, The Constsitutant Assembly got rid of the feudal system. It got rid of mannerism and tithes. Mannerism was when peasants were considered to be dependent on their land and lords. Tithes are when the church took 10% of crops and profits to support the church. they also had other proposals like freedom of worship, The equality of legal punishment, admission of all to public office, etc.

    I think this is important because this was a big step in the revolution.
  • Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen

    Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen
    It was a charter of human liberties. It contained principles from the French revolution. The basic meaning of it was that "all men are born and remain free and equal in rights". Its 17 articles acted as a blueprint for the Constitution. It went into effect on September 30, 1791.
  • Women's march on Versailles

    Women's march on Versailles
    That Year France had a bad harvest so the price of flour went up so the price of bread went up. The bread was the main food of many French people so many starved Convinced that the king was too busy living in luxury a group of mainly women marched to Versailles and told the king to live among them which he then agreed. He and his family were placed under protection by the Guard which legitimized the National assembly.
    I think this is important because it played a big role in it.
  • Royal flight to Varennes

    Royal flight to Varennes
    The king fled with his family to Varennes because of the direction the revolution was going. He and his family dressed as servants and their servants as nobles although he was recognized the next day. The family was arrested and brought back to Paris. he was then labeled as a traitor who was willing to work with enemies to gain back the throne.
    I think this is important because this was the action that really set him up for his execution in later years.
  • French Revolutionary Wars

    French Revolutionary Wars
    The french revolutionary wars were a series of military conflicts lasting from 1792 until 1802. In t began when the French declared war on Austria and Prussia in spring 1792. With the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, they conquered a lot of territories by 1802 from the Italian peninsula to the Low Countries in Europe to even the Louisiana territory in North America.
    I think this is important because it lets the French have more influence over everything and started everything for other events.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    France was under pressure from the attacks of Austria and Prussia on France. On August 10th, 1792 around 20,000 Parsians sieged the Tuilleries home of the King. Fearing violence he and his family was placed under the protection of the assembly. France then became a republic and he was charged with treason and sentenced to death. Marie followed soon after.
    This is important because it played a big turning point in the revolution.
  • The reign of terror

    The reign of terror
    After the king's execution, the national convention made the committee of public safety. They protected against foreign attacks and rebellions. It had 12 members one of which Maximillien Robespierre. It became the de facto executive government in France from September 5th,1793 - July 28, 1794. During that time they killed and arrested many people, it was called the reign of terror. It ended when Robespierre was executed. This is important because it shows what thing they were willing to try.
  • coup of 18th Brumaire

    coup of 18th Brumaire
    After Robespierre's death, the national convention made a new constitution called the constitution of the year three on Aug 22, 1795. It had a directory that had a 5-year mandate. It was involved in many issues and became reliant on the military. The directors were replaced by Napoleon Bonaparte and two others I don't have enough room to say. This time is regarded as when the revolution ended. It's important because this was considered when the revolution ended and a gateway to Napoleon's rule.