French revolution

French Revolution TImeline

  • 1774 (Louis XVI takes power)

    1774 (Louis XVI takes power)
    -Louis XVI takes the throne at the age of 19.Well intentioned but weak leader who was often by his wife,Marie Antoinette
  • 1789 (Government about to go bankrupt)

    -Louis XVI’s government about to go bankrupt.Poor harvest.The Nation Assembly is formed.
  • July 14,1789 (The Revolution has begun)

    July 14,1789 (The Revolution has begun)
    -The people of paris stormed the Bastille,a much hated prison that symboled arocratic rule.The Revolution had begun.
  • August 10,1789 (Parisians invade the Royal Palace)

    August 10,1789 (Parisians invade the Royal Palace)
    -20,000 Parisians invade the Royal Palace,Louis,Marie Antoinette, and their children imprisoned
  • August 1789 (National Assembly adopted The Declaration of Rights)

    August 1789 (National Assembly adopted The Declaration of Rights)
  • October 1789 (The great fear started)

    October 1789 (The great fear started)
    -The Great Fear, Peasants were fearful that the nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize them
    -Peasants rioted.Demanded that King and Queen come to Paris
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Timeline for the French Revolution.
  • September 1791 (National Assembly disbanded)

    -National Assembly disbanded so new Legislation Assembly could take over.Creates a constitutional monarchy; strips power from king and gave the Assembly and people more power/say
  • September 1791 (National Assembly disbanded)

    September 1791 (National Assembly disbanded)
    -National Assembly disbanded so new Legislation Assembly could take over.Creates a constitutional monarchy; strips power from king and gave the Assembly and people more power/say
  • December 1791 (Revolution leaders start to turn on each other)

    December 1791 (Revolution leaders start to turn on each other)
    -The Revolution leaders start to turn on each other and three faction in the Legislative Assembly form.Radicals,Moderate, and Conservatives
  • Summer 1792 (Austria and Prussia sent troops to Paris)

    -Austria and Prussia,who supported Louis XVI,sent troops to Paris.
  • September 21,1792 (National Conservation abolishes the monarchy and declares France a Republic)

    -The National Conservation abolishes the monarchy and declares France a Republic.All adult male granted the right to vote and hold office.Women were given some rights.
  • December 1792- January 1793 (Louis is no longer king)

    December 1792- January 1793 (Louis is no longer king)
    -Louis is no longer king, the radical Jacobins tried Louis for treason and found him guilty.
  • January 21, 1793 (Louis XVI executed)

    -Louis XVI executed by the guillotine.
  • February 1793 (Great Britain,Holland,and Spain join forces with Prussia and Astria).

    February 1793 (Great Britain,Holland,and Spain join forces with Prussia and Astria).
    -Great Britain,Holland,and Spain join Prussia and Astria fighting France.
    -The National Assembly drafts 300,000 French citizens to the army.
  • October 13, 1793 (Marie Antoinette executed)

    Marie Antoinette executed
    -Revolutionary counts declare death sentence on those that challenge Robespierre
  • July 1793-July 1794 (Robespierre governed France harshly)

    July 1793-July 1794 (Robespierre governed France harshly)
    -Robespierre governed France nearly as a dictator,this period became know as the Reign of Terror
    -About 40,000 people were killed overall
  • July 1794 (-The National Committee turns on Robespierre)

    -The National Committee turns on Robespierre, Claiming he was a tyrant
    -Executed on July 28th
  • 1795 (Starts new government rule/way)

    1795 (Starts new government rule/way)
    -Moderate leaders make new constitution
    -Creates a two house legislature and executive body of five men.
    -Napoleon Bonapart is chosen to lead armies