French revolution 2

French Revolution Timeline 1789–1799

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    An assembly made up of the three estates,175 years since they last meet. Summoned by King Louis XVI to approve new taxes on the Third Estate.Each of the three Estate had always had one vote in each estates geral. However the third estate wanted to change the voting process , they refused the king order and got locked out of the meeting.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate met in an indoor tennis court after they got locked out of the meeting. The Thirst estate proclaimed themself as legislature the National Assembly with the right to make laws for France, and they wore they are not going to leave the court until they had written the constitution for France.
  • Creation of National Assembly

    Creation of National Assembly
    Members of the Third Estate declared themself as the National Assembly". They took soveriegn powers in respect of taxation and decided to frame a constitution restricting of the king's powers
    Outcomes: -Ended feudalism and privileges of the First and Second Estates .
    -Approved the declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
    - Seizedchurch lands and made clergy paid employees.
    - Wrote constitution that reduced the king's power.
  • Storming of the Bastille.....

    Storming of the Bastille.....
    Bastille was an ancient prison. On that day, Louis started ordering troops to paris and versailles. Members of the National Assembly feared that the king would use violence to end their meeting.People of paris sought to arm themselves against any action the king might take.A mob of Parisians went to Bastille looking for weapons, they tried to negotiation with the Bastille's commender for weapons.When the negoiations broke down, the angry mob and the prison guard exchanged fire.....
  • Storming of the Bastille (continue)

    Storming of the Bastille (continue)
    The mob swarmed into the prison.
    The mob killed the commander, stucked his head on a stick and paraded it through the streets.
    108 people died this day, 10 swiss guards and 98 sansculottes.
    Storming of the Bastille was a powerful symbol of the French Revolution,
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    • The decoration laid out the basic principles of the French Revolution and was inspired by by the doctrine of natural right.There were three main principles: "liberty, equality, fraternity ( brotherhood)".The document stated that all men were born equal and remain equal before the law. Freedom of speech, the press and religion. However these rights did not extend to women.
    • Olympe de Gouge, a famous playwright, wrote a declaration of rights for women.
  • Creation of the National Convention (Outcomes)

    Creation of the National Convention (Outcomes)
    • Ended monarchy, proclaimed France a republic.
    • Tried and Executed Louis XVI for treason.
    • Instituted draft to increase size of army.
    • In power during Reign of Terror
    • Began codifying laws and creating public education system.
    • Abolished slavery in French colonies.
    • Wrote a new constitution and created the directory.
  • Creation of the National Convention

    Creation of the National Convention
    A mob marched on the Tuileries Palace and slaughtered the guards. With mob violence and foreign invasion, the Legislative Assembly felt powerless. It voted itself out of existence and called for election of a new legislature the National Convention.
  • Execution of the King

    Execution of the King
    The king was placed on trial after the National Convention Covened. Louis XVI was scheduled to die the next day after he got arrested. On that day, Louis began to deliver a speech at place de la Re'volution but a drum roll drowned out his voice. He was pushed into place on the guillotine. When the deed was done, a young guard held up the drifting head for all to see.
    Outcomes: to prevent a return of the monarchy and to defend the revolution from its enemies.
    European reacted with horror.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Revolutionary leaders feared that they would lose control therefore they decied to take drastic actions to avoid a possible counterrevolution.A series of accusations, trials and executions, creating a wave of fear through out the country.Annyone who opposed the revolution were the targets of the revolutionary Tribunal. Peasants and laborers were most effected by the Terror. Around 17000 people were executed during the reign of Terror. Marie Antoinette and Olympe de gouge were also executed.
  • Marie Antoinette's execution

    Marie Antoinette's execution