French Revolution Timeline

  • Citations

    "Amazon Prime Free Trial." World History: Patterns of Interaction: Student Edition Survey 2012: HOLT MCDOUGAL: 9780547491127: Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2013
  • Louis XVI Attempts To Escape

    Louis XVI Attempts To Escape
    The terror worried the king about his future. He was told that France had become too dangerous for the royal family to live in. in order to remain safe, he attempted to escape to the Austrian Netherlands. This action was effected the French Revolution because he would be captured and brought to the National assembly, where his powers would be stripped.
  • The Attack On Bastille

    The Attack On Bastille
    This event took place in the beginning of the Great Terror. Hundreds of people attacked the Bastille, a prison in France. They did this because they believed that the prisoners inside were planning to escape and defeat the revolutionists, Another reason the revolutionists wanted ot capture the Bastille was to acquire the weapons inside. This event was important because it was a major battle at the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • The Delegates Assemble

    The Delegates Assemble
    The delegates from the three estates met on this date to discuss the future of France. The national assembly would be repeatedly oppressed by the higher classes during the meetings that would follow. This is because the rich and powerful did not want to change the current government, which allowed them great money and power. This was an influential event because it marked the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • Louis XVI Reluctantly Signs The New French Constitution

    Louis XVI Reluctantly Signs The New French Constitution
    This was when Louis the sixteenth signed the new French constitution. He was giving up most of his powers, but the constitution stated he could keep the executive power to carry out law. The constitution also stated that the body would handle war and create laws. This was important because it was the start of democracy in France.
  • Prussia Invades France

    Prussia Invades France
    Prussia was unhappy with the French revolution. They threatened to destroy Paris if the revolutionists harmed the Royal family. In response, France declared war. The importance of this was France would fight a losing war with Prussia for years after that.
  • Terror Ends

    Terror Ends
    In July of 1794, a leader of the Jacobins, named Maximillien Robespierre was executed. This was one of the many deaths that would befall famous leaders in the French revolution. His execution ended the Great Terror itself. This was extremely important because years of death and fear were finally over.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was the purchase of French owned territories by the United States of America. These lands inclue the Mississippi river. The total price was $15 million. This event was important to world history becuase it would add lands to America and diminish France's empire.
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor Of France

    Napoleon Becomes Emperor Of France
    Napoleon Bonaparte was a soldier during the French revolution. The reason he was so famous was his actions in October of 1951, when he defended the delegates from the French Royalists. This lead him to become a famous military leader, and eventually, he had himself declared ruler of France. His coronation was of great importance because he would create an empire that would spread across Europe.
  • Napoleon Returns From Exile

    Napoleon Returns From Exile
    After being exiled ot the island of Elba, Napoleon was isolated for over a year. In this time, Louis XVIII took control of France. This would not last, as Napoleon would return on March first. I think this is very important because it led to him being defeated at Waterloo and his final grasp at power was destroyed, eventually leading to his death.