French revolution

French Revolution Timeline!

By Elise98
  • Cause Of French Revolution

    Cause Of French Revolution
    The French Revoltuion was caused because the Third Eststate felt King Louis 16th had poor leadership skills, and they did not think it was fair that the first and second estate had rights that they didn't. The Third Estate wanted change and the first step was to over throw the king.
    (I found this information using my notes.)
  • Out Voted and Out raged

    Out Voted and Out raged
    The King held a meeting at Versailles Palace with each of the estates generals to hold a vote on whether or not the first two estates should pay taxes or not, Each estate had an equal number of votes and the Third state (as usual) was out voted leaving them to be the only ones who would pay taxes. Outraged, They devised a plan that would soon make history.
  • Formation of the DRM

    Formation of the DRM
    The Third Estate were completely fed up with the King and the fact that the First and Second Estates had rights that they did not. So they met at a nearby tennis court planning to create a document stating the rights the French people should have. It would be called Delcaration Of Rights Of Man.pleased with the National Assembly meeting.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The King wasnt happy with the news that the Third Estate wanted to form a constitution. As a result he locked the Third Estate out of the meeting. So Third Estate was forced to meet at a local tennis court to continue their plan to create the constitution, There they made a "Tennis Court Oath" the oath was to continue to meet until the DRM was completed. The promise was kept.
  • Attack on Bastille

    Attack on Bastille
    The mission was for the city of Paris to retrieve their gun powder from the fort/prison called Bastille. So thousands of Parisian attacked the fort and successfully got the gun powder, Leaving the city of paris at the hands of revolutionaries. This was the beginning of the revolution.
  • End of Fuedalism

    End of Fuedalism
    National Assembly announced the end of feudalism and serfdom, and then, the Civil Constitution of the Clergy was passed.
  • Ladies Bread March

    Ladies Bread March
    Thousands of woman from Paris marched the twelve miles from Paris to Versailles. They were arme with broomsticks, and muskets, What they wanted was food from King Louis 16th to sign the D.R.M. As a result, the women broke through the gates and killed of the guards! Then they captured the King and Queen and brought them back as prisoner to Paris!
  • Civil Constitution of Clergy

    Civil Constitution of Clergy
    This was the act to do away with priests and the state would pay the clergys wages. The citizens would elect the Bishops to state. This act was passed July !2,1790.
  • The Kings Great Escape!

    The Kings Great Escape!
    The National Assembly successfully forced the king to sign the D.R.M. However, one night the King and Queen dressed as peasents and hopped in a royal carriage and tried to go to the nearest country Autstria where the kings family ruled. They would attack France and regain power. But after 100 miles, the King and Queen were captured,tajen back, and put under toal house arrest.
  • National Conventions First Meeting

    National Conventions First Meeting
    The National Convention had 794 deputies during a wild part of the French Revolution, the National Convention was elected to provide a new constitution for the country and over throw the monarchy.
  • Death of King Louis 16.

    Death of King Louis 16.
    King Louis !6 was officially sent to the guillotine. This outraged Austri, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain, and the Dutch!They all declared war on the French and invaded. If Frsnce lost the war then the French revolution would be cancelled and Frances absolute monarchy would be restored. Obviously a lot is at stake.
  • Reign Of Terror!

    Reign Of Terror!
    Once the war started France had been losing and Prussian and Austirian army get to within about 30 miles from Paris. Great Britain put a blockade on Frances Ports! As a result the French government started killing anyone against the French Revolution. This was known as the Reign of Terror. The Reign of Terror took the lives of 40,000 people including Queen Antionette.The Reign of Terror ends with Maximillen Robersoierce sent to the guillotine;
  • Death of Marie Antoinette

    Death of Marie Antoinette
    Marie Antoinette was convicted of treason and was sent to the Guillotine. On the way to her execution she was not taken in a carriage like her husband, she was taken in an open cart where people screamed ugly things at her.
  • Napoleon Becomes Dicatator Of France

    Napoleon Becomes Dicatator Of France
    Napoleon lead France to victory in the war.France was in need of a leader. Napoleon came to power as a dictaor.
  • Wns Of French Revolution

    Wns Of French Revolution
    Napoleon kind of ended the French Revolution. He was a really successful military leader. The people wanted Napoleon as a leader, so as a result he staged a coup and seized power on November 9, 1799.
  • Robspierre Arrested!

    Robspierre Arrested!
    Robespierre and his men were placed under arrest by the National Assembly. Robespierre was taken to the Luxembourg prison in Paris,