French Revolution Time Line Project

By Jovan F
  • louis the xiv calls the estates genral

    during louis the xiv rain from 1643 - 1715 he reduced the power of nobility, fought in 4 wars and greatly increased debt to which the genral was called to deal with the ongoing riots
  • execution of the king and queen

    as the riots continued and got more and more out of hand people got fed up with the king and because of this they stormed the castle and arested the king and later killing his family to insure that his blood line could not rule by divine right
  • perisians storm the bastille

    on July 14 a mob storms and takes the Bastille for weapons and as a symbol for rebellion
  • new constitution

    the third estate later created a new constitutional monarchy which limited the power of the higher ups to insure that they could not abuse their power (created a legislative assembly)
  • the decloration of rights of man

    this decloration was later adopted by the natinol assembly on August 27th and carried enlightenment ideals on it
  • Napoleon overthrows the directory

    Napoleon became a dictator for 10 years after he launched a coud'etat against the directory
  • Napoleon builds an empire

    after Napoleon won a plebicuite vote and became ruler for life he was immediatly at war with the second coalition and would later make general reforms