French Revolution

By phamat
  • Louis XVI crowned King of France

    Louis XVI crowned King of France
    Louis Auguste was renamed Louis XVI and he was the last in the line of Bourbon monarchs. He was later then executed for treason by the guillotine.
  • American Revolution Begins

    American Revolution Begins
    America goes to war with Britain to gain independence and form their own government. France decides to fund this war even with their poor financial status.
  • Calling of Estates General

    Calling of Estates General
    King Louis XVI calls all three estates together for the first time since 1614. The Calling of the Estates-General was one of the major causes of the French Revolution.
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    Formation of National Assembly

    People of the third estate got together and formed their own government called the National Assembly. They made an oath and began writing a new constitution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was a pledge made the third estate in the National Assembly. This oath said that they will continue to show up to meetings until a new constitution is written.
  • Attack on Bastille

    Attack on Bastille
    A big mob of angry French people stormed Bastille, a state prison. They had stormed the prison because Bastille was a symbol of absolute monarchy that held prisoners.
  • French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailles

    French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailles
    A mob of French women marched up to Louis XVI resident in Versailles petitioned the king and caused some violence, forcing the King to relocate. This event caused the end of royal government in Versailles.
  • Declaration of War on Austria

    Declaration of War on Austria
    People in France had thought that declaring war on Austria would unify the country. They had wanted to spread ideas from the French Revolution, therefore France’s legislative assembly declared war on Austria.
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    National convention is formed

    The national convention was formed to create a new constitution for the country of France after the overthrow of their monarchy. They also created the Committee of Public Safety which was led by Robespierre and had radical policies.
  • Louis XVI is executed

    Louis XVI is executed
    King Louis XVI was executed by the guillotine for wanting other foreign nations to invade France in order to stop the French Revolution. The national convention put him to trial for treason which led to his execution.
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    Reign of Terror

    The reign of terror was a time span during the French Revolution where anyone who opposed the ideas of the revolution was executed. It was dominantly led by Maximilian Robespierre which caused him to later be executed. Many people were killed during this time.
  • Thermidorian Reaction

    Thermidorian Reaction
    The Thermidorian Reaction gets its name because it was the people’s reaction of the Reign of Terror and the execution of Robespierre. This event happened in the month of Thermidor which is similar to the month of July. It caused the demise of the Reign of Terror.
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    Directory is formed

    The directory was formed as an effort to solve France’s problems due to the revolution/terror but it became more and more corrupt and was not able to solve all of France’s issues. People soon disliked the new government then Napoleon overthrew the directory and established a new government called the Consulate.
  • Napoleon takes power

    Napoleon takes power
    Napoleon takes power through a Coup de ’tat, where he overthrew the Directory. After establishing the Consulate, he declares himself as emperor and was able to stabilize France as well as awaken feelings of national pride and grow nationalism in France.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
    Napoleon recruits 600,000 men to go invade Russia in 1812 and once they got there, the Russians didn’t fight back but instead retreated and destroyed anything that could be any use to the French. As the invasion led onto the colder months, Russia’s geography and climate came to their advantage as Napoleon’s army soon froze to death or died to lack of supplies. This event was the beginning of the end for Napoleon.
  • Battle at Waterloo

    Battle at Waterloo
    Napoleon’s army and the Duke of Wellington met near Waterloo and Napoleon’s army was defeated. This event marked the end of Napoleon’s reign as a military leader and emperor.