French Revolution

By MV3126
  • Napoelon's Birth

    Napoelon's Birth
    He was born in Corsica. The island was originally Italian, but the French took it over making Napoleon a French Nobility. In his early childhood he was very talented and soon gained a scholarship to go to a Military school. He soon grew to hate Aristrocrats from being bullied at the Military school.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    George Washington was named the President of the United States, breaking away from England. John Locke did not keep his promise of Life, Liberty, and Property.
  • Bad Harvest

    Bad Harvest
    The Manufactiuing and the Harvest slowed down. Ended up with a food shortage, Increase in food prices, and unemployment. Bread Riots also happened from this. The only people not effected was the Farmers because they could make their own food.
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    The parliament refused the tax rise. Parliament called the Estates General also known as the 3 estates all together. The Estates General has not been called since 1614, 175 Years. They used the process for voting from 1614, so each group only had 1 vote making the 3rd estate unhappy because they were the ones that had to pay the taxes, where the first 2 estates didnt have to pay them.
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    Napoleon Rises through the Ranks

    in 1789 he becomes a Lieutenant. Then in 1792 he becomes a Captian where he goes back to Paris to see the Sans Cullote attack. Soon after that in 1794 the military makes him a Brigadier General where he puts down the uprising in Austria. Then the Directory in 1796 make him a general of the French armies in Italy. In 1797 he was put in charge of the Invasion of Britian but he attacks Egypt instead where he lost, but tells the People he won.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The 3rd estate declares a National Assembly to draft a Constitution. 3 days later the third estate was lockes out of Versailles. They then go to a tennis court and makes the Tennis Court Oath, and swore to meet till a Constitution that they could all agrue on.
  • Bastille Day

    Bastille Day
    900 people from Paris stormed the Bastille also known as an old fortress used as a Prison and Armory. The people hoped to get weapons for fighting with the king. They found no weapons, but they freed prisioners, and killed the Warden, by cutting his head off. After the Bastille Day they made a new Country Flag
  • New National Flag

    New National Flag
  • Deceleration of the Rights of Man

    Deceleration of the Rights of Man
    inspired the English bill of rights, Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. It also affirmed free speech and press. It reflected the Enlightenment Ideas that all men are Free and Equal also known as the Natural Rights. It also stated that all Political Positions should be based on talent and that no group should be left out from takes.
  • Women March of Versailles

    Women March of Versailles
    People were looking for bread, the Women found no bread and started the march on Versailles. 6-700 women and Revolutioonaries go to Versailles, while the king accepts the Decrees to calm the crowd.
  • 2nd Day of the Womens March on Versailles

    2nd Day of the Womens March on Versailles
    The People find a way into the Castle and beat/ kill gaurds.Marquis de Lafayette stops the crowd and gets them to take the king and put him under arrest.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    The First Limited monarchy. They used this to see what social group is in Charge. There was still a king but the Legislative Assembly would make the Laws. Made the conservative approach with active and Passive citizens.
  • Legislative Assembly meets

    Legislative Assembly meets
    The Assembly meets for the first time in 1791. There was 3 political groups. Jacobins wanted to have no king, Giroundins wanted the king to still be there but not as strong in the force. And the Constitunal Monarchs that were in the Center and the Royalists in the Right was the Powerful king. The Constitutional Monarchs and the Royalists were very strong and made up most of the Assembly.
  • Revolution turns Bad

    Revolution turns Bad
    The revolution turns Radical and Violent. A mob attacks the Royal palace and legislative Assembly in Paris. They took the king captive, called the National Convention and Demanded bread and 2 new constitutions that helped more than the BG. The Volenteers were part of the Passive citizens and they wanted a direct vote.
  • French Republic

    French Republic
    The National Convention was called to draft a new constitution, they ran the country and abolished the Monarchy to set up the French Repubilc. The Jacobins and Girondins try to convince the Majority what to do with the king. Girondins represent those outside of Paris being less radical wanting the king to live. The Jacobins represent the Sans-Culotte they were more radical and wanted the king to die. The Jacobins get what they wnated.
  • Kings Death

    Kings Death
    The King is Beheaded by the Guillotine, because the Jacobins got what they wanted.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    Internal and External issues were gained by the Committee of Public Safety. It had the rise of a new political figure Maximilien Robespierre. Robespierre had some political views that made him skechy. The people did not like it. He leads to the Reign of Terror.
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    Reign Of Terror

    the Reign was led by the Jacobins lead by Robespierre and the Support of the Sans culotte. THey wanted to crush the opposition of the revolution. The courts were set up to try 2 types of people. The Counter Revolutionaries and the Traitor and Crimes against Revolution. EG Black Market. The First Victum of the Reign of Terror was Mariee Antoinette killed by the Gilliotine. At the end of the Reign of Terror 40,000 people died by the Guilllotine.
  • Thermidorian Reaction

    Thermidorian Reaction
    Jacobins dont pass mew constitution in 1793. Sans Culotte did not get what they wanted so no constitution no bread. Jacobins lose support of the Sans Culotte
  • Foreign Invaders

    Foreign Invaders
    French army has 1 Million troops to push back the invaders. They fought in the People war. Usually the kings fought with fewer prefesionsal soliders, but in this the common people were fighting for a change.
  • Constitution of the Year III/1795

    Constitution of the Year III/1795
    This favors the Bourgouisie. Made the Council of 500 were it was a lower house and they drafted the laws. Concul of Elders was the upper house held 250 people and rejected and accepted the laws
  • The Prairial Uprising

    The Prairial Uprising
    Hosted by the Sans Cullotte. The Directorys respance to this is to send troops down to control it. It was the first time the mob have shown up, it showed the Bourgeoisie where they stood.
  • Cuop D' Etat

    Cuop D' Etat
    Napoleon led a sudden overthrow of the Government. after he used grapesot to defeat the Royalist fights in Paris. But Napoleon had his problems he was in Debt, he was spending money on too many wars, and reiled on the military to keep his power.
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    The Clergy and Lawyers wanted to overthrow the directory. Napoleon was the perso they chose to do their deed. He then makes a Triumvirate/ 3 consuls. in 1802 he makes himself a Consul for life. Then he has an election with 97% approvial. In 1804 he declares the Republic os over, France was an Empire and he was an Emperor, he then has an election over this and gets 85% approvial.
  • Fall of Napoleon

    Fall of Napoleon
    Needed to invade Russia to punish them for disliking the Continental System. He took 600,000 Soilders to Russia to have a quick win. There he used the 'Scorched- Earth' technique. Goes to Moscow in the Winter which was not a good Idea. 40,000 men of the original 600,000 men made it to Poland in the Moscow winter in January of 1813.
  • the Island of Ebla

    the Island of Ebla
    Napoleon is exiled to the Island of Ebla but returns 3 months later.
  • 1815 Waterloo

    1815 Waterloo
    Napoleon fights with the British and the Prussia armies who are under the command of the Duke of Wellington. He loses and is exiled again.
  • Napoleon;s Death

    Napoleon;s Death
    Napoleon diesat ST. Helena