
French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Family members in charge

    Family members in charge
    when the country was taken over, one of napolens relatives would rule using the enlightenment ideas. when the country was taken over, the french revolution and enlightenment ideas spread to that country!
  • King louis 16 responds

    King louis 16 responds
    as the national assembly continued to work on the d.r.m the king wasnt very happy. king louis 16 had his amry surround the city pf paris.the people of paris freaked out and quickly formed local militias. they had plenty of guns but not enough gun powder.
  • National Assembly Created

    National Assembly Created
    It was formed by the 3nd estate representatives. the members are known as delegate. the 1st estate and 2nd estate outvoted the 3nd estate.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    A pledge hundreds of members of 3nd estate signed. they were locked out of the meeting room and they met at a tennis court They said they werent ever going to separate and to meet whenever they wanted to.
  • The French revolution beings

    The French revolution beings
    the city of paris had their gun powder supply at a fort/prison called bastille. thousands of parisians attack the fort ansd successfully get the gun powder. the city of paris was now in the hands of the revolutionaries. (notes)
  • Bread March

    Bread March
    On October 5 thousands of women from Paris marched the 12 miles from Versailles. they were armed with broomsticks, lancses, and pitchforks. They wanted food and for King Louis 16th to sign the D.R.M.
  • Royal Escape

    Royal Escape
    one night, the king and his family got in their royal carriage and using the cover of darkness they tired to head for austria. they made it right to the austrian border, but were spotted and captured and brought back to paris.
  • Causes of French Revloution

    Causes of French Revloution
    Cause 1,fance was bankrupt, they had fought in and spent a lot of money against England. Cause 2 bad leadership, the queen was spending a lot of money.
  • death of king louis 16

    death of king louis 16
    king louis 16 was arrested and imprisoned. he was then killed by the guillotine and was executed in paris france.
  • War

    king louis 16 was beheade. austria, brussia, spain, portugal, britain, and the dutch republic declared war on france and invaled. if france lost this war, then the french revoluton would be crushed and france's absoulte monarcy would be restored.
  • D.R.M

    The france people mae an document of the natural rights of man. Saying how we all are equal and should all get a say in what we do. Liberty is the power and we should be able to use it also the law should only be to protect us not against us.
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    when the war started, the french army was losing the Austrian/Prussian army. As a result, the french gov. (national assembly) started killing anyone who was against the French Revolution. 40,000 people includingmarie antoinettewill be sent to the guillotine. (Notes)
  • France out of money

    France out of money
    the king was forced to call ameeting of the estaes general = french parilament. representatives from the three estates met at the versailles palace with king louis 16.
  • Napolen Bonaparte

    Napolen Bonaparte
    he led france in thaking egypt from great britain. he became leader of leader of the french army in italy. napolen is considered one of the greaest generals in all of history. (notes)
  • attack on the bastille

    attack on the bastille
    In Paris an attack happene by an angry mob. it was 8 towers that kept criminals. it was built it protect the paris from outside attacks from england. hunderds of people rushed in with weapons attacking.
  • resutls of the French revolution

    resutls of the French revolution
    it is an endto the monarchy in europe. the church lost most of its power in france, there are no longer the three esates sonthe 3nd state ganined alot and the 1st and 2nd estate lost everything. (notes)