French Revolution and Napolean

  • Polish Revolution

    The Polish Patriots vs. the Aristocrats, the Patriots' leader was Poniatowski, Catherine the Great's former lover. A parliament came together that decided upon having a stronger hereditary monarch, giving the people limited vote, and lessening the aristocrats' power. Eventaully Catherine put down this after she was done warring with other nations.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Louie XVI

    King Louis rules over France and is executed by a rebellion. He led poorly and cared not for his starving people nor the great debt that supporting the American Revolution had occured. His wife was equally hated.
  • Dutch Patriot Revolt

    The Dutch favour America over Britain and the British owe the Dutch a lot of money. Creation of the Free Corps, a militia, undermined the Prince of Orange since the Prince preferred Britain, not America like the rest of the country. The Free Corps wanted a democrasy. This weakened the Dutch Republic as a whole. The most significant aspect was that rebellion was everywhere.
  • Period: to

    Monarchy to Republic

  • Period: to

    Brabant Revolution

    Abhorred by Jospeh II, emperor of Austria, the Austrian Netherlands' upper class revolted because he 'oppressed' them by Enlightened based reforms such as allowing non-Catholics in this Catholic area. It was the Emperor vs the People, the People being subdivided into the Democratic poor and the Conservative rich. (These terms may not be technically correct, but the purpose of language is to convey an idea, which this does.) The lower-class Democrats eventaully chose the Emperor Leo II.
  • Estates General

    The 3 Estates met up to discuss complaints. The 3rd Estate was shut down
  • National Assembly

    The Third Estate declares itself a branch of the government
  • Tennis Court Oath

    3rd Estate meets up again to reassure the National Assembly and decides on revolution
  • Fall of the Bastille

    The citizens storm a prison as a symbol of rebellion. This showed an actual willingness of the people to violently protect their rights, leading to more revolts.
  • The August Decrees

    National Assembly abolished the Feudal Rights for noblility to tax the poor
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    This fully defined human rights, even those of the 3rd Estate, this was the pramble to the new constitution. Freedoms included religion, press, equality of taxation, and equality before the law.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Starving women backed with soldiers storm Versailles demanding food and equal rights as men under the law.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Made the clergy ttake oaths to the State, causing division amongst them.
  • Day of Daggers

    LaFayette, one of the leaders of the militias of the National Assembly, arrested 400 aristocrats after they tried to assassinate both him and the king.
  • Louis XVI Flees

    King Louis tries to flee Paris to Varennes to start a counter-recolution to get his power back but is caught. This destroyed his public image and even more argued against the king.
  • Louis XVI Flees

    The Royal Family tries to flee from Paris to Varennes to start a counter-revolution to maintain their power, but they are caught. This made many peolpe lose faith in teh king and advocate for a Republic.
  • St. Domingue Slave Revolt

    In Haiti, slave revolts added to the political tension and conflict going on in France.
  • Louis XVI Accepts Constitution

    Louis XVI officially recognizes the National Assembly's constitution as valid.
  • War on Austria

    War against Austria and Prussia proved how incompetent new, inexperienced military commanders of the National Assenmbly were.
  • Storming of the Tuileries Palace

    The beginning of the 2nd revolution, the sans-culottes (everyday men) swarmed the Tuileries palace where the king lived and demanded universal male suffrage.
  • September Massacres

    Many sans-coulottes assassinated prisoners during this time due to the rampant lawlessness allowing them to.
  • Anarchy Abolished

    France officially becomes a republic that would answer to the people. The monarchy now means nothing politically
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    Maximilien Robespierre led a political group, very radical, that controlled France and oppressed it into a severely Republican state.
  • Beheading of Louis XVI

    Taken to the guillotine, Louis is tried and beheaded. The Girondins (against the Paris militias) and the Mountain (for the Paris militias) argued about whether the king should be put to death or if he should just be imprisoned for life, but the Mountains won the debate and he was exectued.
  • Uprisings in Vendee

    A near genocide, this slaughter (oftentimes called a war) was a series ofconflicts between citizens of France showing the instablility and tax that having no monarchical ruler can have.
  • Arrest of Girondins

    The Terror led by Maximilien Robespierre arrested most of the Girondins because they did not agree with his policy.
  • Comissioner of Public safety

    Robespierre became the Comissioner of Public Safety iun France, giving him control of most every action and ensuring his absolute authority.
  • Law of Suspects

    A law that gave the Commision ofPublic Security even more power so that he didn't have to justify his actions, he could simply just detain and deport people who committed 'political crimes.'
  • General Maximum

    This set price limits on trade and ensured even flow of food (as drought was still prominent).
  • Execution of Meri-Antoinette

    Wife of Louis XVI executed for incest and generally being treasonous.
  • Anti-Clergy Laws

    There were many laws placed against the clergy allowing them to be killed on sight because the government thought that their presence would be corrupting.
  • Slavery Abolished

    Slavery was abolished in teh French colonies
  • Jacques Hebert arrested

    Jacques Hebert, a journalist condemning Robespierre, and his followers were arrested for treasonous actions, effectively eliminating freedom of the press.
  • Danton arrested

    Danton, a moderist who tried to maintain a balance of power and stop some of the Terror's strength, was arrested and guillotined
  • Robespierre arrested

    The beginning of the end of the Terror, people rioted and guillotined Rebespierre and finally began to take control. No longer were they oppressed by the conscriptions of this man.
  • Period: to

    Thermidorian Reaction

  • Directory Government

    Headed by 5 directors, this Executive governing body managed to suppress any lingering Jacobin rebels and seem to maintain peace.
  • 18 Brumaire

    Napolean and others rebelled against the Directory and overthrew them. Napolean was named 1st consul.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Napoleon signs an agreement wtith the Pope to bring the Church back to France because it had been ousted by the Terror years before.
  • Treaty of Amiens

    Temporary ceasefire between the United Kingdom and France
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The USA bought a lot of land from the French for very cheap becasue Napoleoon needed the money to fund his constant wars
  • Code Napoleon

    A Civil code that Napoleon penned to prevent birthrights and giving people basic rights to work and succeed,
  • Period: to

    Napolean's Rule

  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Napoleon's greatest victory, crushed the Austrians
  • Napoleon Nepotism

    Napoleon appoints his familiy to positions because he can.
  • Fall of the Holy Roman Empire

    Napoleon conquers the Holy Roman Empire and becomes its portector.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
  • Congress of Vienna

    European powers had to divide the territoryt hat Napoleon had taken evenly between those that defeated him. This settled the official borders between the countries.
  • Waterloo

    Napoleon defeated at Waterloo by United Kingdom and its allies