French Revolution

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    It was called by King Louie XVI to fix the financial crisis.
  • Fall of the Bastille

    Fall of the Bastille
    An angry crowd marched on the Bastille, a medevial fortress.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    People marched to the King's palace to protest the hardships.
  • Flight to Varennes

    Flight to Varennes
    The Royal Family fleed Paris.
  • Dissolution of the National Assembly

    Dissolution of the National Assembly
    A constitution was reached and they used a new form of government.
  • War on Austria

    War on Austria
  • Attack on the Tuileries Palace

    Attack on the Tuileries Palace
    A crowd of close to 20,000 attacked the palace.
  • Trial of Louis

    Trial of Louis
    Mary Antionette and King Louie XVI were found guilty