French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    This is a timeline for the french revolution
  • Louis XVI goverment

    Louis XVI goverment about to go bankrupt.Poor harvest.The national assembly is formed
  • the people of paris

    the people of paris
    the people of paris stormed the bastilie a much hated that sybolized autocratic rule.The revolution have began.
  • Period: to

    The people of france

    The people of paris stormed the bastilie a much hated thatsymbolized autocratic rule.the revolution have began.
  • National assembly adopt the decloration

    National assembly adopt the decloration
    national Assembly adopt the decloration of the right of man and of the citizeen gareneteed the rigt of liberty,propert security to oppression to all people.
  • The Great Fear

    peasants were fearful that noble were hiring outlaw to terrorize them
  • The royal palace

    The royal palace
    (Parisians invade the Royal Palace)
    -20,000 Parisians invade the Royal Palace,Louis,Marie Antoinette, and their children imprisoned
  • National assembly

    -National Assembly disbanded so new Legislation Assembly could take over.Creates a constitutional monarchy; strips power from king and gave the Assembly and people more power/say
  • Revolution leader

    -The Revolution leaders start to turn on each other and three faction in the Legislative Assembly form.Radicals,Moderate, and Conservatives
  • King

    -Louis is no longer king, the radical Jacobins tried Louis for treason and found him guilty.
  • National conservation

    (National Conservation abolishes the monarchy and declares France a Republic)
    -The National Conservation abolishes the monarchy and declares France a Republic.All adult male granted the right to vote and hold office.Women were given some rights.
  • War

    (Austria and Prussia sent troops to Paris)
    -Austria and Prussia,who supported Louis XVI,sent troops to Paris.
  • Countries

    (Great Britain,Holland,and Spain join forces with Prussia and Astria).
    -Great Britain,Holland,and Spain join Prussia and Astria fighting France.
    -The National Assembly drafts 300,000 French citizens to the army.
  • Hwo executed

    (Louis XVI executed)
    -Louis XVI executed by the guillotine.
  • Revolution leader

    ( Maximillen Robespierre gain power)
    -Revolution leader Maximillen Robespierre sets out to gather power into his own hands
  • the dead

    -Robespierre governed France nearly as a dictator,this period became know as the Reign of Terror
    -About 40,000 people were killed overall
  • National commitee

    -The National Committee turns on Robespierre, Claiming he was a tyrant
    -Executed on July 28th
  • new goverment

    -The National Committee turns on Robespierre, Claiming he was a tyrant
    -Executed on July 28th