French Revolution - jason proot

  • Louis XIV dies

    Louis XIV dies
    King Louis XIV died at the age of 76 in 1715. Upon his death he leaves France with debt he created.This debt was created due to his outrageous spending. The lower class, Third Estate, decided to not take it lying down and eventually led to the Estates General.
  • The meeting of the Estates General

    The meeting of the Estates General
    The Estates General was a group o representatives from each estate. Louis XVI called this together because of his economic troubles. He also wanted to control the lower class, third estate, but this backfired and the lower class would later use this to gain momentum towards the Revolution.
  • The National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath

    The National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate decided they wanted their own laws. So they formed the National Assembly. They passed laws in name of the people and wanted to bring an end to absolute monarchy. The tennis court oath stated that they were not to split up as a group nor leave the court until a new constitution were written. Louis, enraged by this, stationed army members around Versailles.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    The storming of Bastille was when the peasants of France attacked a Bastille, a French prison, killing guards and taking weapons. They took over the entire prison. They did this because of rumors that Louis was formulating a plan to attack the peasants. This event allowed the people against absolute monarchy to feel they had a fighting chance in the revolution
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man stated that all men were equal under law. This supported the National assembly and continued momentum in the revolution.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    Women lead a march to Versailles to demand bread. The mob forces the royal family to return to Paris with them. Louis XVI signs the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
  • The "Royal Escape"

    The "Royal Escape"
    The royal family attempted to escape France as hate towards them grew. They were apprehended at the border due to someone recognizing Louis' head on a coin.
  • Divisions Divide

    Divisions Divide
    France divided into 3 social categories varying from those who wanted a lot of change to those wanted little change. This gave everyone more meaning and supported the revolution and its purpose.
  • Jacobins take control

    Jacobins take control
    Jacobins were on top of the mountain (controlled France) for a short time.Their leader Jean-Paul Marat invented the guillotine. The same invention that killed Louis. (Ignore day and month as my sources weren't specific enough)
  • Robespierre becomes leader of the Committee of Public Safety/Reign of Terro

    Robespierre becomes leader of the Committee of Public Safety/Reign of Terro
    Robespierre was a jacobin leader in the early months of 1793. He soon became the leader of the Committee of Public Safety, a group who protected the Revolution against its opposers. Then the reign of terror took place. Robespierre took charge as a dictator and often tried and guillotined questionable enemies of the revolution. About 40,000 people were killed during the reign. Also about 85 percent were lower class. (Ignore day and month as most events came from throughout the year)
  • Louis XVI is executed

    Louis XVI is executed
    King Louis is is executed by guillotine.
  • Robespierre is executed

    Robespierre is executed
    Members of the national convention turned on Robespierre and had him executed by guillotine.
  • New Government

    New Government
    A new government came up that gave power to the upper middle class. It contained a legislature and an executive body, known as the Directory. (Ignore day and month as my sources weren't specific enough)