French Revolution

  • Louis XVI calls for the Estates General

    France was on the verge of bankruptcy and nobody would give France a loan, king louis was forced to call in the estate general
  • Representatives from the three estate meet

    provided solutions to Frances financial problems although It ended when the Third Estate formed into a National Assembly, signaling the outbreak of the French Revolution.
  • Third Estate takes the Tennis Court Oath

    the Third Estate responded by gathering in a nearby tennis court, There they pledged not to disband until the nation had drafted and implemented a constitution
  • Third Estate locked out of the Estates General meeting

    The National Assembly was formed when the 3rd estate was locked out of of the Estates-General meeting by King Louis, they were demanding more power in the government because they made up 97% of the population in France.
  • people of Paris storm the Bastille

    The revolutionaries who stormed the Bastille were mostly craftsmen and store owners who lived in Paris because the people feared that King Louis XVI was about to arrest France's newly constituted National Assembly
  • Louis XVI calls for the National Assembly

    The National Constituent Assembly tried to create a monarchical regime in which the legislative and executive powers were shared between the king and an assembly.
  • The women of Paris

    the French royal family attempted to flee the country in order to avoid retribution from the revolutionaries but a group of woman captured the king and brought him back to Paris and put him on trail for treason