French Revolution

  • Call of the Estate General

    Call of the Estate General
    King Louis was the reason the French Revolution started. France was on the verged to bankruptcy because they were loosing a plethora of money. King Lois spent a lot of the money, witch put France in that state. With these series of events, it added up to the Monarch, then the land tax levy was ordered by the estate general, it was hope to ease the difficulty.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The third court estate, On June 17th 1789, Honore Gabriel Riquitti starting being called National Assembly. The morning of June 20th, the chamber doors were locked by guards and solders, the deputies were shocked. They thought the royal attack by King Luther XVI was imminent. They then went to and indoor tennis court nearby, where they made an oath "not to separate, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the kingdom is established".
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A French prison, located in Paris France, called the Bastille. On July 4th of 1789 it was stormed by an aggressive an angry mob. During the Revolution the Bastille was symbolic for power and Monarchy dictatorial rule. At the time it only held seven prisoners.
  • March On Versailles

    March On Versailles
    On a March from Paris to Versailles the women set out. They all had hope to get bread because it was to expensive for them to buy. All the women had pikes, muskets, and pitch forks. As they marched they all chanted bread over and over again. While they were starving the king Marie continued to feast.
  • Royal Family Attempts to flee

    Royal Family Attempts to flee
    The Royal family attempted to flee to versalies, leaving Paris. During the Revolution King Lois XVI realised things were getting to dangerous. They were cought in Verennes the Revoulutionary goverment faded completly and were hostile towards the Royal Family.
  • Champ DE Mars Massacre

    Champ DE Mars Massacre
    Champ DE Mars Massacre was when citizens of France went against National Constituent decision. That even though King Louis left, he was still King. National Constituent assembly said King Louis would be king as they are under a constitutional mochary.
  • The first invasion of Tuileries

    The first invasion of Tuileries
    This was one of the French Revolution turning point. This three years, was way after the attack on Bastillr. In this invasion the citizans of lead an attack on Tuileries. This was the home of King Louis XVI and his legislative assembly.
  • The first invasion of Tuileriers

    The first invasion of Tuileriers
    This was one of French Revolutions turning points. This three years, way after the attack on Bastille. In the invasion the citizans of Paris leas an attack on Tuileries. Thus was the home of King Louis XVI and his legislative assembly.
  • The overthrow of the Mochary

    The overthrow of the Mochary
    On August 10th after the attack on Tuileries, the Monarchy was overthrown, after King Louis XVI was found guilty of treason. The assembly suspended the Monarchy powers. Later they will call what happens to the king for the crime.
  • The execution of the king

    The execution of the king
    After King Louis XVI committed treason, he was punished an executed. King Louis XVI was executed by the guillotine, witch was a more humane way to execute someone. Marie Antoinette was forced to watch the kings execution by the Revolutionaries.
  • Region of Terror

    Region of Terror
    This lasted for about six months. This time period was when the most executions were made. This all started with King Louis. Right after him, the next one was Marie Antoinette. After being seperated from King Lous XVI, it was just her all alone with her kids. One of her kids disappeared and was never heard or seen from again.