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Most Important Events of the French Revolution

  • Loss of Money+ New Tax= the Estates-General

    Loss of Money+ New Tax= the Estates-General
    Louis practically had no money left. His solution was to impose taxes on the nobility. However, he was forced to call a meeting of the Estates-General to approve his new tax. This meeting was held at the Palace in Versailles. It was very important because the poorest people of the third estate finally had the chance to be heard by the king.
    Estates-General of 1789
  • Storming of the Bastille; Start of the French Revolution.

    Storming of the Bastille; Start of the French Revolution.
    A mob searching for gunpowders and arms storm the Bastille in Paris. At that time over 30,000 pounds of gunpowder was stored at the Bastille. This event was the start of French Revolution.
    Bastille Day
  • Declaration of the Rights of Men

    Declaration of the Rights of Men
    The document “Declaration of the Rights of Citizen and Man” was passed by France’s National Assembly. It was directly influenced by Thomas Jefferson and became the basis for a nation of free individuals protected equally by law.
    French Revolution
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    Many people in France were hungry, unemployed, and restless. For this reason, protesters, mainly women, marched 12 miles from Paris to Versailles. None of the events prior to this one had managed to topple France Ancient Regime, however these women managed to change all that.
    Women's March on Versailles
  • Royal Family Attempts to Flee

    Royal Family Attempts to Flee
    King Louis XVI and his family attempt to flee to Austria in order to escape the chaos in France, however, their plan fails now that they are recognized and intercepted at the border. Ultimately, being placed under house arrest for attempting to abandon their country.
    Return Royal Family
  • Government Changes, New Assembly.

    Government Changes, New Assembly.
    France was officially proclaimed a constitutional monarchy. The National Assembly was replaced by the Legislative Assembly.
    The French Revolution
  • War is Declared

    War is Declared
    Many thought war was the way to go in order to unify the country. They wanted to spread their ideas through all Europe. For this reason, the new Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria.
    French Revolution: Invasion of France-Austria and Prussia
  • Royal Family Accused

    Royal Family Accused
    A mob of men and women invaded the Tuileries, which was the palace where the royal family was staying. They imprisoned Louis, Mary Antoinette​ and their children.
    Mary Antoinette
  • Execution of the King

    Execution of the King
    King Louis XVI is executed by the guillotine after being accused of many things by citizens; Reign of Terror begins. The guillotine was the way to kill people back then, it was a shame for people if someone in their family was killed by the guillotine.
    Louis XVI
  • Jacobin Leader Gains Power

    Jacobin Leader Gains Power
    In the early months of 1973, one Jacobin leader, Maximilien Robespierre, slowly gained power. In July 1793, he became leader for the Committee of Public Safety. This way it was easier for him to take a public role later on.
    Maximilien Robespierre
  • Napoleon is Recognized

    Napoleon is Recognized
    Napoleon Bonaparte defends National Convention against Coup. This is one of the events that marked the beginning of Napoleon's success.
    Napoleon Crossing the Alps