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French Revolution- Madisyn Davis

  • The Estates General

    The Estates General
    Who: Louis XVI
    What: Louis XVI calls in the Estates General, the last occurance of this meeting was a 175 years earlier.
    Where: France
    When: 1789
    Why: France was on the verge of bankruptcy.
  • Divided French Society/Financial Troubles

    Divided French Society/Financial Troubles
    Who: The citizens of France
    What: France divided the French Society into three social estates. The first estate was the clergy, those in the church. The second estate was nobles, those who hold top government jobs. The third estate was everyone else amoung society.
    Where: France
    When: April 28th of 1789
    Why: France divided into three social estates due to National debt, financial troubles.
    How: All citizens of France were divided i
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    Who: more than 800 Parisians
    What: 800 agrivated Parisians stormed the Bastille in search of gunpowder and weapons, they found none. The mob released a handful of prisoners, killed five guards and the Bastille's commander.
    Where: The Bastille prison located in France.
    When: July 14th of 1789
    How:The amount of citizens in the mob made it an impossible victory for the prison guards and commander. The amount of guards was no match for the angry mob.
  • Threats from Abroad

    Threats from Abroad
    Who: King of Prussia and Emperor of Austria
    What: Decleration of Pilnitz
    Where: France
    When: August of 1791
    Why: They wanted to intervene in order to protect the French Monarchy. The French Revolutionaries prepared for war.
  • Civil War (Radicals Take Over)

    Civil War (Radicals Take Over)
    Who: San-Caulottes
    What: The San-Caulottes, working class men, demand a Republic.
    Where: France
    When: October of 1791
    How: The Jacobins support the San-Caulottes by spreading the word through newspaper related media. The National Assembly eventually declares war on tyranny in April of 1792, the French Revolution.
  • Revolt/National Assembly

    Revolt/National Assembly
    Who: The National Assembly
    What:The National Assembly, assembled and composed the Declerations of Rights of Man and Citizen and the eventually the Constitution of 1791.
    Where: France
    When: 1791
    Why: " The Great Fear " startled citizens. Also the Constitution of 1791 ended convents and set up limited monarchy in an absolute monarchy.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    Monarchy is Abolished
    Who: The Jacobins of the National Assembly
    What: The Jacobins were determined to abolish the monarchy as well as the French Republic.
    Where: France
    When: September of 1792
    How: The Radicals took control to execute the King. After the execution of the King,the demand for a new legislative body was in high favor. During tis vote suffrage, the right to vote, was extended to all males, not just those who own land.
  • Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
    Who:Robespierre " The Incorruptable"
    Where: France
    When: September 1793- July 1794
    Why: Robespierre felt it was neccissary to have a "republic of virtue". Robespierre was determined to attain this.
    How. Robespierre enforced the Guillotine. The Guillotine, symbolized as the National Razor, was punishment for all those resisting the Revolution. Robespierre prompted an inflexible government severly.
  • Third Stage of Revolution

    Third Stage of Revolution
    Who: Moderates
    What: Moderates began to decline the excesses of the Convention.
    Where: France
    When: 1795
    Why:A five man Directory with two houses of legislature. This set-up supressed bread costs.
    Where: France
  • Spread of Nationalism

    Spread of Nationalism
    Who: The People of France
    What: The people of France take pride in their country.
    Where: France
    Why:The Revolutionary War lead to a strong National identity.
    How: France hel civic festivals featuring dances and songs on themes of he Revolution.
    When: 1799