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French Revolution

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    The Estates General was a meeting that reunited representatives from each Estate to solve political problem.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Fort and Prison in East Paris. Represented sign of Monarchy so was attacked.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens
    Important document in french revolution that defines individual and collective rights.
  • Royal family atempts to flee

    Royal family atempts to flee
    After king louis XVI surrendering he tries to escape with his hated wife.
  • New constituion, Constitutional Monarchy

    New constituion, Constitutional Monarchy
    First constitution crrater after the absolut monarchy collapsed.
  • Legislative assembly declares war on Austria and Prussia

    Legislative assembly declares war on Austria and Prussia
    The government declared war to Austria and Prussia and it was their first victory.
  • Jacobin takes control of France

    Jacobin takes control of France
    After the civil arrested King Louis XVI in Veirsalles Jacobin started Ruling france.
  • King Executed

    King Executed
    King Louis XVI executed by the civils
  • Robespierre becomes leader of public saftey committe

    Robespierre becomes leader of public saftey committe
    Rovespierre is elected to become the public saftey committe leader.
  • Robespierre Downfall, Arrest and Execution

    Robespierre Downfall, Arrest and Execution
    Robespierre started falling down until he was arrested and after executed.
  • Established government as the "Directory"

    Established government as the "Directory"
    A organized government divided in 2 pieces.