French Revolution

  • Period: to

    National Assembly

  • Louis the XVI calles the estates general

  • Members of the 3rd Estate established the National Assembly

  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
  • Louis XVI fires Finance Minister Jacques Necker

  • Storming of Bastille

    The Bastille was a giant stronghold where many criminals and others would be tortured and would rot away. Durring the revolution it held one of the most valuable resources, Gunpowder. This gunpowder was essential to defeating the monarchy. Thousands of people swarmed the castle killing gurards and making away with the gunpowder. (Citizen Action)
  • The Declairation of the Rights of Man is created

  • The Church is placed under state control

  • Louis and Marie attempt to flee France but are caught in Varennes

    Louis and Marie attempt to flee France but are caught in Varennes
  • Period: to

    The slaves of St. Dominegue revolt and establish Haiti

  • The National Assembly creates the Constitution of 1791 and creates the Legislative Assembly as their replacement

  • Women attack Versailles and force the king and queen to come to Paris

    (Citizen Action)
  • Period: to

    Radical Phase

  • The Legislative Assembly is replaced by the National Convention led by the radical Jacobins

  • Austrian and Prussian troops invade France

  • The National Convention creates the Committee on Public Safety

  • Charlotte Corday assassinates Marat

    (Citizen Action)
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

    (Citizen Action)
  • Robespierre is arrested and sent to the guillotine

    One of the most inspirational people in the revolution Robespierre inspired many to fight the monarchy and to claim a republic. He worked to abolish slavery and was very famous. His rebelion got the best of him, and soon became his end.
  • Period: to


  • The Directory is established

  • Napoleon invades Egypt but Fails

  • Period: to

    Age of Napoleon

  • Napoleon overthrows the Directory and establishes a 3 man Consulate

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory and establishes a 3 man Consulate
  • Napoleon sells the Louisiana Territory to the United States

    Napoleon sells the Louisiana Territory to the United States
  • Napoleon assumes Emperor of France

  • Napoleon invades Russia

  • Napoleon steps down and is exiled from France