French Revolution

  • Meeting of the General Estates

    Meeting of the General Estates
    It was the first meeting since 1614 where all 3 estates met together and addressed French's issues,which was the country was in severe economic debt.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The 3rd estate got kicked out of the legislative meeting, the reformed in the tennis courts and called themselves the national assembly and made laws in the name of France.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    When the 3rd estate and the people of France took over the Bastille prison and gained control over their country and rebelled against the monarchy
  • Declaration of Rights

    Declaration of Rights
    A document made by the French people for the French people that declared the rights and freedoms of the people, that they previously didn't have because of the monarchs in government. It gave men the right to own property, life, and liberty.
  • March of Versailles

    March of Versailles
    This march started with women in Paris who rioted over how high the price of bread was and turned into an angry mob that stormed the Versailles Palace and asked the royalty to move back to Paris.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    A period of violence in France during the French Revolution when political tension caused a mass genocide of French people. The guillotine was the popular execution device which caused the killing of over 16,000 people.
  • Rise of Napoleon

    Rise of Napoleon
    Napoleon Bonaparte was the first leader of France that was not royalty but a strong military leader. During his reign he conquered many countries and was feared by many because of his skill and strategy.
  • Fall of Napoleon

    Fall of Napoleon
    After losing the Patriotic War against Russia, Napoleon lost his throne and was exiled to the French island of Elba. After 3 years of being exiled Napoleon came back for a brief rule and later got defeated at battle of Waterloo, which he exiled himself to the island of Saint Helena, where he passed away at the age of 51.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    A conference of European leaders that held a meeting in Vienna. It was a meeting on peace and how war must end, along with peace it gave many other countries the opportunity to grow in side but France did not benefit from this rather than sat by watchde other countries grown in size and wealth.