French Revolution

  • Period: to

    The Great Fear

    -Peasant Revolt
    -Wanted to have equal social and economic priveleges
    -Wanted to end manorial priveleges
    -Used force
    -National Assembly ends violence- give peasants what they want so they establish the "Laws of the Fourth of August" to abolish feudal dues
    -End of the peasant's revolution
  • Reconvining of the Estates General

    Louis XVI was forced to reconvene bc they needed to talk about taxes (they want to tax the 1st and 2nd estates, but the 1st and 2nd estates say that they need to have the E.G consent)
  • Period: to

    National Assembly

    -Created b/c there was problems with voting, so the 3rd estate made the National Assembly
    -Their purpose was to create a new constitution that declared France a constitutional monarchy
    -Ended bc a new constitution had been formed
  • Tennis Court Oath

    After the members of the newly formed National Assembly had been locked out of the meeting place, they went onto a tennis court and took an oath that they would not disband the National Assembly until a new constitution had been written
  • Storming of the Bastille

    -Poor urban workers of Paris
    -They wanted the prevent the king from disbanding the National Assembly
    -Used force to knock down the bastille
    -Saved the N.A
    -Power monopoly of the royalty was broken down
  • Declaration on the Rights of Man

    -Influenced from the Enlightenment
    -Like the US constitution
    -States the rights of men: declares them all equal under the law
  • Period: to

    March to Versailles

    -Women of Paris
    -Want lower food prices; they're hungry
    -Enter the palace, want to kill Marie Antoinette; king offeres them bread
    -Get revolutionary groups to make them move to Paris so that the King Louis XIV can be more aware of the economic problems the people are having
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    -Makes the Catholic church subordinate to the government
    -National Assembly wants to include the church to help pay off they sell all church land and take over
    -Clergy become civil servants of the church
    -FAILURE- doesn't help economic issues
  • Flight to Verrennes

    -King and M.A flee to the Austrian Netherlands
    -Wanted to flee so outside forces could overtake the Revolutionary groups and so he could take back power
  • Period: to

    Legislative Assembly

    -3 Bodies:
    -the Mountain (left)- want Republic
    -Girandists (center)- think the Revolution is over, want a Constiutional Monarchy
    -Right- want an absolute monarchy
  • Period: to

    National Convention

  • Louis XVI Executed

    executed by National Convention for treason
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    Included the Committee of Public Safety
    -ends bc Robespierre is killed