
French Revolution

  • The Meeting of the Estates Generals

    The Meeting of the Estates Generals
    The Meeting of the Estates Generel was a meeting between the three Estates Generels to discuss who to tax. This was also to fix the problem of the third and weakest estate from getting more taxes. They also had to keep the people from possibly rebelling. They did not want this to happen so they had to figure out a way to keep all of this from happening.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    A group of angry citizens was headed to the huge fortress. They were angered by rumors of the government treating them worse. They also wanted to free the people who were being kept prisoner for treason. They ended up getting the Bastille to drop their gates. The Storming was successful.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

  • Ongoing wars; the draft of February 1793

    Ongoing wars; the draft of February 1793
    France drafted hundreds of thousands of men to go to war against Great Britian and the Dutch. The French had the advantage in the number of soldiers that they've aquired but when the French were being pushed out of the battles so they recruited Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon completely turned around the war and led the French to many victories.