French revolution

French Revolution

By RHM4538
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    This was an oath that was made when the estate generals met and they all took an oath that untill France had a constitution they would remain. This oath was a part of the early stages of the French Revolution. Within days the famous violent incidents were going to start.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    The Bastille was a royal prison with order of ther king. It held gun powder, arms, and a few prisoners. A large croud gathered there and tried to organize a handover of the gun powder but the governer refused to so all of the croud broke into the prison courtyard and the prison gaurds killed about 100 people out of the group. It looked like the croud had been defeted but some gaurds that had been a betreyer to his country opened the doors and let croud invade which made de Laurney surrender.
  • Republic is declared

    The universal male sufferage provided a new constitution to France after the king left. That day, Sep. 22 1792 France became a Republic.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    This was the period of the French Revolution where a lot of people were executed by Gullotine. About 25,000 people were arrested and accused of charges. The reason behind large executions was to protect the people died revolution from the traitor reactions and royalists who join together with the foreign and are against the new french republic. The guilotine became the symbol of string of exections. The revolution by gullotine got lots of people to death. Many more died.
  • End of the French Revolution

    End of the French Revolution
    Napolean was the one who ended the French Revolution. He was a very successful leader and successded abroad in many activities at home. People hesitated to trust the directery but more than that, they wanted to get behind Bonapate. Then he took hold of power on Nov. 9th 1799 which ended the French Revolution.