French Revolution

  • Louis XVI

    Louis XVI
    married Marie Antoinette (nick named Madame Deficit), secretly ordered troops to crush the rebellion, tennis court oath: swore to not split up until they produced a French constitution
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    crowned himself to show power over the church, Joined army of new government, hero of the hour (defended against the royalist), first consul (dictator), Napoleonic code: new system of laws (took away freedoms)
  • Estates General

    All of France was organized into 3 estates
    1st estate= clergy, 1% of population, 10% of land, not taxed
    2nd estate= 2-5% of pop., 20% land, light tax, privileges
    3rd estate= everyone else, 95% of pop., 25 million commoners, members of middle class (bourgeoisie)
  • Reforms

    National assembly declared the church officials. They were elected and paid like state officials. Peasants were angered; it led to peasant opposition of reforms.
  • Maximillien Robespierre

    Maximillien Robespierre
    Rule known as Reign of Terror, tried in morning and guillotined in the afternoon, 85% of the people executed was the peasants or the members of the revolution.
  • Peace for Europe

    Peace for Europe
    was at peace for the first time in 10 years, Britain, Austria, and Russia joined forces to drive Napoleon from power; they led troops into war and diplomacy, all 3 nations signed peace agreements with France.
  • Napoleon Crowns Himself

    Napoleon Crowns Himself
    took the crown from pope and crowned himself although traditionally the pope had done it. Did it to show power over the church.
  • Metternich’s Plan

    Metternich’s Plan
    Wanted to keep things the way they were, Foreign minister of Austria.
    Prevent future aggressions
    Balance of power
    Restore Europe’s royal families