French revolution

French Revolution

  • France is in debt

    France is in debt
    france is in debt, King Louis XVI tries to tax the second estate but the nobels refuse to pay
  • eastes meeting

    eastes meeting
    King Louis XIV calls for the easte general to meet the following spring after a rough winter
  • Bastille

    the storming of the Bastille
  • third of estate proclaims

    third of estate proclaims
    the third of estate proclaims themselfs in national assembly;National assambly swears the tennis court oath
  • eastates general

    eastates general
    First time the estates general meets in approximately 175 years
  • revolution begins

    revolution begins
    the french revolution beings
  • National assembly adopts

    National assembly adopts
    national assembly adopts the Decleration of the right of man of the citizen
  • King Louis XVI

    King Louis XVI
    King Louis XVI and queen Antoinette flee paris in disguises,but are caught
  • Austia and Purrsa

    Austia and Purrsa
    Austria and Purrsa issued a decleration warning agianst harming the French monarches and hint that any such action would prevoke war
  • king executed

    king executed
    King Louis is executed
  • Region of Terror

    Region of Terror
    The Region of Terror is unleased by the committee of public safty led by Maxemillen Robespeire
  • Robseperie executed

    Robseperie executed
    Robespeire is excuted and Region of Terror ended
  • nepolean faced of agianst a mob

    Nepolean is faced agianst a mob of royalist
  • National Convention edits constitution

    Nationional Convetion writes a more restrictive constitution
  • Revolution ends

    French revolution ends
  • Napolean takes controle

    Neapoean takes controle of French government
  • Louisana Territori sold

    Naplean sells yhe Louisana territory in North America to the United States
  • Nepoleans crown

    NEapolean crowns himslef the emporor of France
  • Saint Domingue

    Saint Domingue delcares independence
  • Neapolean invades spain

    Neaponean invades Spain and Portugal
  • Nepolean attems to invade russa

    Russia is forced to leave to Moscow
  • NEapolean wants to take over Russia

    Nepolean attems to invaed and take over Russia
  • Neapolean defeated

    Neaploean defeated in Leipzig
  • allies enter Pais

    Allies enter paris and force Nepolean to surrender and is exiled to Elba
  • Allied forces defeat Nepolean

    Nepolean defeated at the Battle or Waterloo