French Revolution

  • The causes of the Revolution

    France was a poor country because of the American Revolution and the Seven year war. There is also a famine. But the rich, like Louis XVI lived richer lives and had everything.
  • 3 estates meeting

    3 estates meeting
    The 3 estates meet to discuss this problem. The third estate (the everyman) declares that they should decide what is better for France, and form the National assembly.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The national assembly meets, and takes the Tennis court oath. Which means they are in defiance of Louis XVI.
  • Stroming of the Bastille

    Stroming of the Bastille
    The national assembly, goes to the Bastille to arm themseleves.
  • Declartion of the Rigths of man

    The national assembly creates, their own constitution. The declaration of the rights of man is declared.
  • Women's march on Versailes

    Women march nto the kings palace, becuase they suspect that the king is plotting something. They make the king and Marie Antoinette move back to Paris.
  • Flight to Varennes

    Louis the XVi and Marie Antoinette deicde to leave the country, beucase of the revolution. They dress themselves as servants and leave Paris.
  • The recognison of King Louis XVI

    The king and Marie Antoinette make it only as far as Varennes, before they are captured and brought back to Paris. They remove Louis' postition as King.
  • France begins it's Wars

    Trying to slove the famine and finacial crisis, France begins a war with Austria and in attempt for them to stop trying Austria from taking control of France.
  • France becomes a Republic

    France elects a new governmnet (a repbulic) to lead France after abolitisoning th French Monarchy.
  • Louis' excution

    The Jacobins take Louis XVI to court and declare themseleves as a Repbulic. They then to precede to excute Louis in front of a group of people. This makes Louis the first victim of the reign of Terror.
  • France's war cont.

    France, after succesful campians against the Austrians and Prussians, decide to attack England and Dutch. One of these campains launches the career of a man named Napeloen.
  • Marie Antionette's exuction

    8 months after her husband was exucted, Marie Anitonette is exucted.
  • Thermidorian_Reaction

    Robesphierre and other Jacobins are excuted for their extreme ways of dealing with people. Now the only people leading the government is made up of people that surived the reign of Terror.
  • The Itlaian War

    Napoleon leads the french army into Italy to conqor it. The campain is succesful, but little does Napoleon, know that the government is trying to keep him away from Frnace.
  • The Egyptain War

    After a succesful Italian campain, Napoleon sends his troops to Egypt to make it the British controlled India. But the British launch a counter attack and nearly destory the French army. Napleon flees back to France.
  • The end of the Revoultion

    Napeoleon returns back to France to find that the repbulic government isn't popular. So he stages the governmnet be taken down and becomes the leader of France.