French Revolution

  • Louis XVI calls the estate general

    Louis XVI calls the estate general
    The estates general is an ancient assembly consisting of 3 different estates. If the estates general could agree on a tax solution, King Louis XVI would go alon with it.
  • 3rd estate forms national assembly and takes tennis court oath

    3rd estate forms national assembly and takes tennis court oath
    The third estate rebelled against King Louis XVI and came together. They tried to go into a court room for a meeting but it was locked so they went outside to the tennis court and the took the "Tennis Court Oath".
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    left many wihtout food, kings troops were comming, officers fired, killing 98 people, and peasents began to rise up against their lords.
  • march of versailes

    march of versailes
    a plan to ambuche the queen, abandoned people, people prtested in city hall wiith guns and knifes, and the mob wanted attention from their king.
  • execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

    execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
    people accused him of haveing commited a multitude of crimes and order to establish the tyranny by destryoying its liberty
  • execution of Robespierre

    execution of Robespierre
    was a member of the estate general who advocated against the death penalty and for the abolition of slavery
  • start of the reign of terror

    start of the reign of terror
    the army defeated the European army. set up a new revolutionary government and courts, which tried citizens for treason against the revolution.