
French Revolution

By kdeas14
  • Estate General meets in Paris

    Estate General meets in Paris
    King Louis XVI calls body into sessio[n to approve a new tax on the 3rd Estate. Had not met in 175 years.
  • 3rd Estate refused to abide by the kings one vote for each estate order

    3rd Estate refused to abide by the kings one vote for each estate order
    ther 3rd estate refueed to give into the the kings one vote for each estate order, to show that the 3rd estate wants a change in the monarchy
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    the tennis Oath was a pledge of which all Estates signed accept tthird Estate. They refused to leave without a wriiten constitution
  • storming of the Bastille

    storming of the Bastille
    the cictzens in paris mad a mob and went to search for weapons for the Revolution. however things didn't go as planned which reasulted into a bombing
  • Great fear begins

    fears spreads throughout france, although people we shocked of what happened they were also scared that King Louis would puinish everyone and end the revolution
  • national assembnly abolishes Fedalism with august decress

    the National Assembly began to transform centeries of french tradidition. the assemble formed a new goverment and the frenchp monarchy crumbled
  • Declaration of the rights of men

    this document was mase out of the basic pronocples of the french revolution. Liberty, equality, and fraternity.
  • royal family's fight from varennes

    royal family's fight from varennes
    many royal families encourged the revolutionary leaders to have bolder steps
  • new constitution adopted

    new constitution adopted
    a new coonstitution was madde which contained infomation about voting rights
  • begining of legislative assembly

    begining of legislative assembly
    the legislative assembly was put together after the new constitution was made
  • Wemon in paris match to Varsailles for bread

    Wemon in paris match to Varsailles for bread
    more then 7,000 woman came together to march through the rain to the Versailles demanding bread
  • Brunswick Manifesto warns the royal family must not be harmed or els.

    Brunswick Manifesto warns the royal family must not be harmed or els.
    a threat was made on the royal families of francce however Astria heard about the threat and took matter into their own hands by sending 50,000 troops
  • storming of the Tulleries palace

    storming of the Tulleries palace
    a mob of people came togetehr and made a mass destruction in turkkeries. many guards, King louis and Mary antonette weere sent to prison
  • french monarchy is offically abolished

    french monarchy is offically abolished
    Revolutionary's gov't votes to abolish the monarchy and establish the first rebublic. Royal family impisoned
  • french defeat foregin invaders 9austria and prussia0 who are attempting to preserve the monarchy

    french defeat foregin invaders 9austria and prussia0 who are attempting to preserve the monarchy
    France turns the tide of the war and takes the offensive agaisnt the invaders
  • the execution of king louis XVI in paris

    the execution of king louis XVI in paris
    this was the day were King louis was sent to the gullitine to have his head choped off for the crimes he comitted agaisnt france
  • comittee of the public saftey establishment

    comittee of the public saftey establishment
    this establishment was created durong the regin of protect france agaisnt aliences. this establishment became very poweful
  • law of suspects passes begining of the reign of the terror in france

    law of suspects passes begining of the reign of the terror in france
  • End of thr regin of terror-execution of Robesiperre

    End of thr regin of terror-execution of Robesiperre
    the reign of terror we literally terror fro many people in the french revolution. many oppsed the death penaltiy however robespierre supported it. especially when it came to enimies and revoutionary rights. his death reasulted because hes was convicted to be a dicctator and tyranny.
  • Nobility forces King Louis XVI to call the estate general into session

    Nobility forces King Louis XVI to call the estate general into session
    the king was in trouble. The nobility was not happy with the attyempt to tax their estate. Nobility wanted to pass the cost once again on the third estate
  • National convention is dissolved and the creation of the Directorate

    National convention is dissolved and the creation of the Directorate
    National Convention dissolved itself.Run by an executive branch of five directors.The directors were weak, caused France's troubles Continued
  • napoleon named first consul

    napoleon named first consul
    A forced transfer of power.Armed supporters of Napolleon, and forced members to turn the government over to to him
  • coronation bonaparte as Emperor

    coronation bonaparte as Emperor
    Napolen wanted to make his own power permanent and hereditary. He submitted a prebiscite, a quostion put before all the voters, French voters supported him and voted Yes. Terefore he became Emperor