French rev 1

French Revolution

By NiKelly
  • Nobility Forces King To Call Estates

    Nobility Forces King To Call Estates
    The king was in trouble. The nobility was not happy with his attempt to tax their estate. Nobility wanted to pass the cost again on the Third Estate.
  • Period: to

    First Events of the French Revolution

  • Estate-General Meets In Paris

    Estate-General Meets In Paris
    King Louis XVI calls body into session to approve a new tax on the 3rd Estate. Had not met in 175 years.
  • 3rd Estate Refused To Abide By The Kings One Vote For Each Estate

    3rd Estate Refused To Abide By The Kings One Vote For Each Estate
    They 3rd estate was unfairly treated. While they took up 97% of the population they would only have 1 vote which would always go against them because the 1st and 2nd Estate would always have the same view and 3rd Estate would lose 2:1. So they would refuse to go by the king.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Estates-General would not leave the tennis court until they had a consitution written for France. Louis relented and allowed each representative to have a vote.
  • The Storming Of The Bastille

    The Storming Of The Bastille
    A mob of Parisians went to the Bastille looking for weapons. They killed the commander and put his head on a stick.
  • Great Fear Begins

    Great Fear Begins
    It was he fear tha the Third Estate would be punished by the fall of the Bastille. Many rumors were made and it scared them because of what they had done to the Bastille. They thought that the king would get his soldiers to show them a lesson.
  • National Assembly Abolishes Feudalism

    National Assembly Abolishes Feudalism
    They eliminated all the feudal dues and services that the peasants owed the landowners. Also eliminated the First Estate's legal privileges.
  • Declaration Of The Rights Of Man

    Declaration Of The Rights Of Man
    They laid out the basic principles of the French Revolution- "liberety, equality, faternity" - all men are born equal before the law and had freedom of speech, the press, and religion but it did not extend to women.
  • Women March to Versailles

    Women March to Versailles
    The king called troops to Versailles to protect his thrown which angrered the common people who thought it would end the Revolution. 7000 women marched through the rain from Paris to Versailles, demanding for bread so they broke into the palace. So Louis agreed to back to Paris to live with his family in the Tuilenes Palace to make peace.
  • Royal Family's Flight from Varennes

    Royal Family's Flight from Varennes
    The king and queen did not believe that they were safe so they fled to Paris in disguises. But they were recognized and brought back to the Tuileries Palace.
  • New Constitution Adopted

    New Constitution Adopted
    The National Assembly finally completed its constitution which kept the monarchy but severely restricted king's power.
  • Beginning of Legislative Assembly

    Beginning of Legislative Assembly
    The legislative body gained a broad voting rights which allowed only men paying tax over the age of 25 to vote.
  • Brunswick Manifesto Threatens Revolutionaries

    Brunswick Manifesto Threatens Revolutionaries
    Austria and Prussia issued declaration warning against harming French monarchs. If they did they provoked war. Austria sent 50000 troops to the French borders. Then the disarray French army declared war and were defeated.
  • Storming Of The Tuileries Palace

    Storming Of The Tuileries Palace
    A mob marched to the Tuileries Palace and killed the guards. They took the king, queen, and children and put them into prison and demoted them to commoners. The put radical faction incontrol becasue the Legislative Assembly felt powerless so they voted themselves form existence and callled an election for a new legislative- National Convention.
  • French Monarchy Is Offically Abolished

    French Monarchy Is Offically Abolished
    Revolutionary goverenment votes to abolish the monarchy and esablishes the first Republican. The Royal family is imprisoned.
  • French Defeats Foreign Invaders

    French Defeats Foreign Invaders
    France turns the tide of the war and takes the offensive against the invaders.
  • King Louis XVI Of Paris Gets Executed

    King Louis XVI Of Paris Gets Executed
    King Louis XVI gets executed by the guillotine. He was put in trial but the Gorondins wanted to avoid it but they were a minority. The Montagnards were eager to try and execute him. Soldiers were lined up to prevent supporters of the monarchy to start troubles. Before getting executed he tried to give a speech to prove his innocence but his voice was drownded by a drumroll. After his head was held up with blood dripping from it.
  • Committee of Public Safety Established

    Committee of Public Safety Established
    They tried to manage the country's military defense against foreign forces at the France's borders. They created draft for men from the ages of 18-45 for military service. The Revolutionary Tribunal was created to eliminate people who threatned the Revolution.
  • Beginning Of The Reign Of Terror In France

    Beginning Of The Reign Of Terror In France
    Law Of Suspects passes. There was drastic actions made to avoid counterrevolution. The Montain was a series of accusations, trials, and executions. The Reign Of Terror was used to threaten and scare the counterrevolution people.
  • End Of Reign Of Terror / Execution of Robespierre

    End Of Reign Of Terror / Execution of Robespierre
    Robespierre and his followers were surrounded by the National Convention soldiers. They were taken into custody and the beheaded him along with about 100 of his followers with the guillotine.
  • End of National Convention and Creation Of Directorate

    End of National Convention and Creation Of Directorate
    They tried to limit voting to men who owned property. The New Consitution and the voters elected a governing board who were called diretors. The passed financial reforms that helped farmers, improved trade. It was not an effective government and they became weak and corupt. They argued to much which failed the country.They shared too many characteristics of the Old Order. They now had no one in charge and needed change.
  • Napoleon named First Consul

    Napoleon named First Consul
    The armed forces of Napoleon surrounded the Directory legistlatives and forced members to turn over the government to Napoleon (coup d'etat-force transfer of power). The Consulate replaced the Directory which had the structure of a republic but he was a director.
  • Napoleon Gets Crowned Emperor

    Napoleon Gets Crowned Emperor
    Pope Pius VII came from Rome to crown him as emperor of Paris. When he was about to put the crown on his head, Napoleon snatched it and put it on his own head. That told the world that no one gave him the authority he has but he took it for himself.