french revolution

  • Period: to

    french revolution

  • Estates-General

    a temporary estate. estate for the general public.
  • third estate declares itself the national assembly

    people trom the estates general formed the national assembly to try to run the country with or without the other two estates
  • storming of the bastille

    members of the national assembly tried to revolt and needed gun powder fro their rifles so they attacked the bastille to aquire it.
  • declaration of the rights of man and citezin issued

    fundamental document of the French Revolution, defining the individual and collective rights of all the estates of the realm as universal
  • louis XVI executed

    louis XVI was executed because he was the manarch of france and the people were revolting and they killed him so he could not regain monarchy
  • Maximilien Robespierre assumes leadership of the committee of public safety

    His supporters called him "The Incorruptible", while his adversaries called him "dictateur sanguinaire" (blood-thirsty dictator).
  • Robespierre is guillotined

    Robespierre is guillotinedb
  • Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power

    after robespierre is executed napoleon siezes power
  • Napoleon is defeated by the british at the battle of waterloo

    Napoleon chose to attack in the hope of destroying them before the Seventh Coalition and the Anglo-Allied army join in a coordinated invasion of France with other members of the Coalition. he had lost to britian