
French Revolution

By Bock
  • Hobbes writes Leviathan

    Hobbes writes Leviathan
    Published in 1651. The work concerns the structure of society and legitimate government, and is regarded as one of the earliest and most influential examples of social contract theory.
  • Locke writes Two Treatieses of Government

    Locke writes Two Treatieses of Government
    Published by Locke anonymously. The First Treatise attacks patriarchalism in the form of sentence-by-sentence refutation of Robert Filmer's Patriarcha and the Second Treatise outlines a theory of political or civil society based on natural rights and contract theory.
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    French and Indian War

    Fought over a disputed parcel of land in the ohio river valley
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    American Revolution

    The American Revolution was the political upheaval during the last half of the 18th century in which thirteen colonies in North America joined together to break free from the British Empire, combining to become the United States of America
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    Reign of Louis XVI

    Was indecisive and allowed matters to drift, paid little attention to his government advisors
  • Robespierre comes to power

    e took part in a discussion of how the French provincial government should be elected, showing clearly and forcefully in his Addresse à la nation artésienne that if the former mode of election by the members of the provincial estates were again adopted, the new Estates-General would not represent the people of France
  • Calling of the Estates General

    Assembly of representatives from all 3 states to get approval for tax reform
  • National Assembly composes "The Declaration of the Rights of Man."

    now meeting as the Communes, proceed with verification of its own powers and invite the other two estates to take part, but not to wait for them
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath (French: Serment du jeu de paume) was a pivotal event during the first days of the French Revolution. The Oath was a pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members from the Third Estate who were locked out of a meeting of the Estates-General on 20 June 1789
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    France experiences "The Great Fear"

    Rural unrest had been present in France since the worsening grain shortage of the spring, and the grain supplies were now guarded by local militias, fearful peasants armed themselves in self-defense and, in some areas, attacked manor houses
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    France experiences "The Great Fear"

    Rural unrest had been present in France since the worsening grain shortageand the grain supplies were now guarded by local militias, fearful peasants armed themselves in self-defense and, in some areas, attacked manor houses.
  • August decrees

    There were nineteen decrees in all, were declared with the idea of calming the populace and encouraging them towards civility
  • Louis XVI attempts to escape

    when Louis XIV moved from Paris, until the royal family was forced to return to the capital
  • Legislative Assembly is created.

    The King had to share power with the elected Legislative Assembly, but he still retained his royal veto and the ability to select ministers
  • Louis XVI is executed

    was condemned to death for "conspiracy against the public liberty and the general safety"
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    France experience "Reign of Terror."

    According to archival records, at least 16,594 people died under the guillotine or otherwise after accusations of counter-revolutionary activities. A number of historians note that as many as 40,000 accused prisoners may have been summarily executed without trial or died awaiting trial
  • Committee of Public Safety is formed

    Locals often resisted de-Christianization by attacking revolutionary agents and hiding members of the clergy who were being hunted
  • Jean Paul Marat is killed

    Jean Paul Marat is killed
    Corday's decision to kill Marat was stimulated not only by her revulsion at the September Massacres, for which she held Marat responsible, but for her fear of an all-out civil war. She believed that Marat was threatening the Republic,
  • Robespierre is executed

    Robespierre is executed
    Robespierre was declared an outlaw, and condemned without judicial process e was executed with 21 of his closest associates
  • Period: to

    Napoleon Bonaparte comes to power

    His legal reform, the Napoleonic Code, has been a major influence on many civil law jurisdictions worldwide, but he is best remembered for his role in the wars led against France by a series of coalitions, the so-called Napoleonic Wars. He established hegemony over most of continental Europe and sought to spread the ideals of the French Revolution
  • France goes to war with Austria

    war became apparent: through force of arms, a powerful state could challenge the old alliances and spheres of influence. a skillful leader could create an environment in which a state would have to declare war first, thus forcing states in protective alliances to come to the aid of the so-called victim of external aggression.