French Revolution

  • Bad Harvests

    Slowdown in manufacturing led to food shortages, rising prices, and unemployment
  • Estates-Generals Meeting

    This meeting was held directly before the Tennis Court Oath took place. There were arguements about voting and which estates outruled each other. Third estate generally outruled others.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    About 900 Parisians stormed the courtyard and began to tear down the Bastille. The people attacked the Bastille because they stole weapons but needed gunpowder.
  • National Assembly

    Constitution was drafted
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Those who were locked out of the Estates -General meeting made another meeting inside the handball courts. They called themselves the National Assembly. This Oath forced the King to make Concessions
  • National Assembly

    The National assembly took away all legal priviledges of the Nobles and Clergy
  • National Assembly "Declaration of the Rights of man"

    Inspired the English Bill of Rights. Preamble of the Constitution of 1971
  • Constitution of 1791

    Set up a limited monarchy. men over 25 who paid taxes could vote, no one else could vote. Legislative assembly would make laws
  • Battle of Valmy

    This war saved the early French Republic from destruction. It was the first major battle of the war of the First Coalition
  • Execution of Louis

    He was found guilty of treaon by the National Convention. He was executed by Guilotene. he was the only king of France to be executed
  • Louis XVI Flees

    Louis and his family attempt to flee France. The king did not want to sign the New Constitution. His Flee destination was to Austria but failed and was arrested
  • Reign of Terror

    This time period was post French Revolution and was known becuase of all the violence that took place after the French Rev. 40,000 people were killed at this time, many by guillotine.
  • Marie Antionettes Death

    She was killed by guillotine. Many people hated the fact she has Austrian blood and she had expensive tastes. She was also known as Madam Deficit because she spent money like crazy
  • The Directory Election

    The executive was a committee of five members known as the directory. The directory was mainly recognized for coruption. People took advantage of the governments money.
  • Napolean's Coup d'etat

    Directory began to rely on military power to stay in control. Napolean overthrew the government and seized power.