French flag (nat. 1848)

French Revolution

  • 4 Reasons for the French to Rebel

    4 Reasons for the French to Rebel
    1. Social Stratification- The social classes were unfair.
    2. Economic Failure- People refused to pay taxes so the government had no money
    3. Weak Government- The King was a bad money manager and was not a good ruler over all.
    4. Enlightenment- People saw what the Enlightenment thinkers said and wanted their government to use some of the same ideas.
  • Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    Louis XVI calls the Estates General
    The meeting was held at Versailles to discuss money and economics with the three Estates. Delegates from each estate came together to form the Estates General. Unfortunatly the King never brought up a proposal so nothing got done for him.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The Estate Delegates were elected and went to Versailles to solve the finacial crisis and to insist reform. They also took the Tennis Court Oath to make sure they could all meet for whatever the circumstances were and to never seperate.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    The Parisians formed a group outside the Bastille and demanded guns and gunpowder that they believed were stored there. The people eventually stormed inside, killed the guards and took over the castle. They killed most of the prisoners and then started to rip the building down.
  • Period: to

    The National Assembly Acts

    The nobles decided to end Fuedalism because of the Storming of the Bastille. The Nobles claimed France was now "Reborn". They later wrote the Rights of Man and the Citezen which was modled after the American Declaration of Independance.
  • The Monarchy is Abolished

    The Monarchy is Abolished
    Parisians slaughtered the Kings guards due to the thought of the King being aqueinted with the enemy. This forced the royal family to flee from the castle. Later on, the people found the King quilty of treason and sentenced him to death by the Gullitine. When the King was gone, no one took his place and the French decided it was better not to have one ruler.
  • Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
    maximilien Robespierre was a lawyer and a politician who quickly became the leader of the Committee of Public Safety. He believed the France could acheive a "republic of virtue" by the use of terror. Which meant killing anyone who commits a crime by beheading them by the gullotine. 17,000 people were killed in the Reign of Terror which lasted from 1793 to 1794. Many were falsly accused.
  • Period: to

    The Third Stage of the Rovolution and Napoleans Rise to Power

    The French entering the third stage of the revolution, decide to appoint five men to direct the government to make sure decicions were agreed upon by everyone. But later appointed a new ruler to take the reins of France, Napolean Bonaparte. He was a very important war commander and a highly repected man. He eventually had enough power to become and known as the Emporer of France.
  • Spread of Nationalism

    Spread of Nationalism
    Nationalism begins to spread and people begin to take more responsibility and pride in thier country. They began to have festivals and have parties to celebrate the end of the Revolution and all it had accomplished.
  • The Third Stage of the Revolution and Napoleon's Rise to Power

    The Third Stage of the Revolution and Napoleon's Rise to Power
    The French finally appointed a new ruler to take the reins of France, Napolean Bonaparte. He was a very important war commander and a highly repected man. He eventually had enough power to become and known as the Emporer of France.